Oppositional defiant disorder among university students

  • Prof. Dr. Zina Nizar .


The prevalence of emotional and behavioral disorders has increased recently,
including disorders that arise in childhood and are diagnosed in advanced stages, as some
university students suffer from a consistent and recurring pattern of defiant behaviors to
authority figures and adults, impulsive and reckless behavior, and great difficulty in
regulating their emotions, and this is considered Disorder is one of the most dangerous types
of behavioral disorders that lead to an increase in violence and anti-social behaviors.
Therefore, the aim of the current research is to identify the prevalence of this disorder
among university students, and to know the level of this disorder among university students.
The results indicated that the prevalence of the disorder was (،)%3.75) among university
students, and that the level of symptoms was moderate. The study recommended the
Ministry of Higher Education to pay more attention to counseling centers to carry out their
work in conducting seminars to demonstrate the seriousness of such disorders among
university youth and to support positive behaviors electronically and in person


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How to Cite
., P. D. Z. N. (2022). Oppositional defiant disorder among university students. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 25(2), 621-652. Retrieved from https://journalart.qu.edu.iq/index.php/QJHS/article/view/558