Postponement of gratification and its relationship to goal orientation among students The outstanding and the discernible Assistant Professor Dr. Tariq Muhammad Badr & Researcher: Haitham Shanshul Taha

  • أ.م.د طارق محمد بدر Collge of art/unversity of Al-Qadisiyah
  • هيثم شنشول طه Collge of art/unversity of Al-Qadisiyah
Keywords: postponement students goals, satisfaction


The research aims to identify delay of gratification and its relation to the orientation towards the goal of outstanding students and non-privileged, as the number of sample (400) students were chosen in a random manner.                                                          In order to measure this goal, the researchers constructed the measure delay of gratification, which was in its final form of (24) paragraphs, and the construction of the measure of the orientation towards the goal, which was in the final form of 20 paragraphs and three factors. The researchers achieved the conditions of honesty and stability of both tools  after the application of statistical means Occasion.                                                                                       

      The main results of the study indicate that the total research

sample has the ability to delay of gratification. There is a statistically significant difference in delay of gratification and for the benefit of non-distinguished students. The overall research sample is orientation towards the goal. There is no statistically significant difference between outstanding students . The study concluded that there is a positive and statistically significant correlation between in delay of gratification and its relation to the orientation towards the goal its three fields in the total research sample.                                                                                                 

The researchers concluded the study with a number of important recommendations and proposals


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How to Cite
محمد بدرأ. ط., & شنشول طهه. (2020). Postponement of gratification and its relationship to goal orientation among students The outstanding and the discernible Assistant Professor Dr. Tariq Muhammad Badr & Researcher: Haitham Shanshul Taha. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 22(3), 570-600. Retrieved from