Sheikh Muhammad Raza al-Shabibi is a poet of tenderness and beauty

  • أ.د. ياسر علي عبد Collge of art/unversity of Al-Qadisiyah
  • أ.د عبد الله حبيب كاظم Collge of art/unversity of Al-Qadisiyah
Keywords: Mohamed Reda Heritage Beauty


He is a poet whose poetry is constantly moving in a consistent way towards heritage in his language and formulation, taken in connection with the ancient Arab heritage, in a view that always tries to renew in it and sent it in it from the Arab spirit and its originality a lot, in fulfillment of the era of belonging in order to advance the modern Arab poetic text and in that connection and communicate with the perspective Who led Arab poetry to a new image that leaves the times of delay and stagnation, and Sheikh Al-Shabibi is passionate about language and dialects, as evidenced by the large number of his research and articles in the dialectical field, and by this his poetry was nourished from this sap, especially when someone who goes with his hair towards addressing issues related to the political side For issues relating to power, governance and Asaglal Arab countries he has expressed so eloquently and its preamble agility Meanings
However, the highest value in Shabibi’s poetry lies in the aesthetic visions that take great luck and a wide area of ​​Sheikh Shabibi’s poetry, as they clearly express the delicate aspect that expresses the emotional feeling of insomnia from human emotions, which is a clear advantage in his poetry and reflects the sincerity of the human emotional experience In his hair.
His poetry is filled with pure lyricism and a selective poetic language that expresses the sincerity of the poetic experience. He has an objective and artistic way. His feelings, as is his language, flow gently and calmly to create an emotional rhythm that is the modern beauty of beauty.
According to the foregoing, the research comes to monitor that paradoxical occurrence in the Sheikh’s poetry, between his poetry being traditional and attached to the heritage in his expressions, images and language, and with expressive tenderness seeking love, passion and beauty in another direction. We have seen that there is a need for lighting and clarity to provide another picture of the sheikh that differs from that of the researcher in dialects, history and linguistic heritage related to the scientific councils, an image that does not leave the first but rather complements it.


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How to Cite
علي عبدأ. ي., & حبيب كاظمأ. ع. ا. (2020). Sheikh Muhammad Raza al-Shabibi is a poet of tenderness and beauty. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 22(3), 685-706. Retrieved from