The duality of the theatrical personality according to the concept of ail al-wardi

  • Noor Saed Jabbar Al khuzaey University of Al qadisiyah
  • fatima abdel aziz abdel rasoul University of Babylon
Keywords: Duality, Drama, Ali Al Wardi


The current research titled "Duality of the personality of the play according to the concept of the pink" as the research contained four chapters included the first chapter of the research problem, which came with the following question: And interpreted by a social analysis Dramatic theatrical, but the need was to benefit the specialists in the field of theater in general and directorial field in particular, while the aim of the research in the identification of personal duplication of the play according to the concept of Ali pink and concluded this chapter the limits of research and the definition of terms, the second chapter was the theoretical framework The previous studies and the most important indicators resulting from the theoretical framework, as this chapter included two topics came the first section under the title The second topic, entitled "Ali Al-Wardi's Concept of Social Duality," then the most important indicators of the theoretical framework. Mehdi Yusuf, which contained the subject of (double personality) The research sample was chosen intentionally and in line with the objective of the research and the theme of the play "Ali pink and rivals" The research tool has relied on the most important results of the theoretical framework of indicators, and then the research methodology and then the researchers analyzed the sample of the play The fourth was the last chapters of the research and included the results and recall of them "Duality is influenced by the character of the age or country negatively in the way the individual deals with the other."  1 - The existence of double personality in the human being to achieve an end, the purpose of which is to satisfy the soul that is looking for stability. 2 - The use of double character negatively in the theater and for the purpose of stopping this human behavior and cleansing it altogether. The recommendations and suggestions were followed and the research concluded with a list of the most important sources and references used by the researchers in the research.


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How to Cite
Saed Jabbar Al khuzaey, N., & abdel aziz abdel rasoul, fatima. (2023). The duality of the theatrical personality according to the concept of ail al-wardi. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 22(4(2), 117-136. Retrieved from