Academic merit and its relationship to academic happiness among university students

  • Zeina Nizar Wada University of Al qadisiyah
Keywords: Academic merit, academic happiness


The current study aimed to identify academic merit and academic happiness, and the relationship between academic merit and academic happiness. And the differences in the relationship of academic merit and academic happiness according to gender (male-female) and specialization (humanities-scientific). To achieve the objectives of the study, the correlational approach was adopted and the two measures of academic merit (Al-Dabaa, 2018) and academic happiness (Abdullah, 2022) were used, which were applied to a stratified random sample of (400) male and female students from the University of Al-Qadisiyah. The results of the study revealed the inverse relationship between academic merit and academic happiness, and there were no differences in the relationship between academic merit and academic happiness according to gender and specialization. The study recommended a set of recommendations to enhance academic happiness and avoid academic merit.


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How to Cite
Nizar Wada, Z. (2023). Academic merit and its relationship to academic happiness among university students. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 26(2), 117-152. Retrieved from