Schools and Their Impact on the Second Egyptian Mamluk Society Book of Bada’i al-Zuhur by Ibn Iyas as a Model (784-922 AH / 1382-1517 AD)

  • Khaleda Abdel-Ilah Abdel-Sattar Directorate General of Education Karkh second
Keywords: Ibn Iyas, schools, Mamluk era


Egypt has witnessed a flourishing scientific movement in various sciences and arts under the Circassian Mamluk state, through the spread of scientific centers in it, and we mention from those centers: the schools that gave birth to many scholars and writers who accompanied the process of writing the history of that era, as Ibn Iyas is considered the author of "Bada'a" Flowers in the realities of the ages, "one of them, who touched on the schools, where the days of the Fatimid state appeared in Egypt, developed during the days of the Ayyubid state, and matured during the days of the Mamluk state to continue to absorb many scholars and scholars who supplied the scientific field with books and encyclopedias, whether religious, historical, social or Geography or astronomical.                                                                                          


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How to Cite
Abdel-Ilah Abdel-Sattar, K. (2023). Schools and Their Impact on the Second Egyptian Mamluk Society Book of Bada’i al-Zuhur by Ibn Iyas as a Model (784-922 AH / 1382-1517 AD). Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 26(2), 77-116. Retrieved from