The importance of brainstorming strategy in teaching literary criticism for stage students Fourth in the Department of Arabic Language - College of Education

  • Haider Abdel Zaid Jabr Al Mansouri Al-Qasim Green University
Keywords: brainstorming strategy, literary criticism


Interest in teaching methods and modern strategies has increased as it is more interactive with the material and with the students themselves, which leads to convincing results and the achievement of the required goals of the educational process after the completion of the lesson. By giving more than one idea, and this strategy is consistent with the subject of literary criticism, as it is subject to analysis and conclusion and accepts multiple points of view. Therefore, it was necessary for the title of the research to be (The importance of the brainstorming strategy in teaching literary criticism for fourth-stage students in the Department of Arabic Language - College of Education). The research was divided into four topics, the first topic: definition of the research, and the second topic: theoretical aspects and previous studies And the third topic: research procedures and interpretation of the results, and the fourth topic: conclusions and recommendations.                                                                                          


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How to Cite
Abdel Zaid Jabr Al Mansouri, H. (2023). The importance of brainstorming strategy in teaching literary criticism for stage students Fourth in the Department of Arabic Language - College of Education. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 26(2), 153-178. Retrieved from