Bini Ghanih Al-Murabitia and their struggle against Spanish and the powers of Al-Muahideenin Morocco and Andalusia (6-7 H./12-13 A.D): A historical study

  • Waleed Muhammad Ali Qassem University of Al qadisiyah
Keywords: Banu Ghaniya, Almoravids, Spaniards, Almohads, Eastern Algeria, family rivalry, alliances


The Islamic Morocco and Andalusia countries had witnessed in the expanded period from (6-7 H./12-13 A.D) several changes that had the deep effects in the future of the zone as a whole which were indicated with the decades of the Al-Murabiteen state (448-541 H./1056-1147 A.D) and the establishment of Al-Muahideen state (515-620 H./ 1121-1223 A.D), but this power and domination quickly had fallen down in front of the external struggles that were represented by the greediness of Spanish kingdom in one hand, and the internal revolutions that were represented by Bini Ghanih the family of Al-Murabiteen and their role in Morocco and Andalusia. This formed the source of the great anxiety in the part of Al-Muahideen who distinct for their patience against struggles and defeats that they had got. Thus, such struggles and martial fights between these powers had their effects and reflections in the zone and this contained till the dead of their last chief man named Yahia Bin Eshaq Bin Ghanih and by his death the martial role ended for this family.


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How to Cite
Muhammad Ali Qassem, W. (2023). Bini Ghanih Al-Murabitia and their struggle against Spanish and the powers of Al-Muahideenin Morocco and Andalusia (6-7 H./12-13 A.D): A historical study. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 26(2), 179-206. Retrieved from