Stages of the historical geomorphology evolution of the meander of Al-Shatt Al-Aama and its Ox-Bow lake south of Al-Azizia - Iraq

  • د. أحمد سعيد ياسين الغريري University of Al-Qadisiyah
  • أ.م.د. أياد عبد علي سلمان الشمري University of Wasit
Keywords: Historical Geomorphology, Al-Shat Al-Aama,, Tigris River, Azizia,, Age of river meanders, Military Geomorphology


The focus of this article is the long-term changes in the Tigris River and its meander named (Al-Shatt Al-Aama) in Iraq. This was done using historical maps, old aerial photographs, topographical maps, and recent satellite images for the period (1840-2023) AD, which were employed through technologies (GIS).

The course of the Tigris River separated the meandering section of the river, which then turned into an Ox-Bow lake. The Tigris River's geomorphological meanders were accelerated and separated mainly due to the great flood of 1884 AD.

The Ox-Bow Lake was full until the 1920s. However, it started to decrease in size due to climate change, the Tigris River's westward shift, and human activity that became apparent in the 1950s. This marked the beginning of the Anthropocene era. The process of forming the bend and its development into the meander of the Al-Shatt Al-Aama, then cutting it off and turning it into an Ox-Bow lake, took hundreds of years, according to the activity of the river, which was scientifically monitored and proven through the length of the follow-up period that extended for about (183) years in this study.

This study emphasized that the inhabitants of Iraq use the meanders of the Tigris as a natural defense for their settlement centers. They treat these landforms with specific constructions such as walls or fences, as in the wall of Ras al-Zaljah. Historical studies play a crucial role in revealing the diverse ways landforms were utilized, especially in archeological geography and military geomorphology.


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How to Cite
سعيد ياسين الغريريد. أ., & سلمان الشمريأ. أ. ع. ع. (2023). Stages of the historical geomorphology evolution of the meander of Al-Shatt Al-Aama and its Ox-Bow lake south of Al-Azizia - Iraq. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 26(3), 169 - 192. Retrieved from