The social dimensions of religious belief from knowledge to consciousness

  • ا.د صلاح كاظم جابر Collge of art/unversity of Al-Qadisiyah
  • قاسم عبد الحسين جاسم Collge of art/unversity of Al-Qadisiyah
Keywords: religion society knowledge, awareness


The Iraqis' society like other Arabic  societies lots of substantial and crucial issues still surrounded with prohibitions and taboos specially those which is related to the forbidden trinity (religion, politics and sex )in fact some of them support in a crucial way the  integration of societies and their openness as a result versus its dispersion and closeness' through realizing the significance of the religious and piousness stance in its both  types popular and elite from the relation with the other religious, doctrinal and sectarian and what Iraq been trough of tragic events of killing operations ,displacement and social mess .the Iraqis' society becomes more sensitive toward religion because it’s the focus of all justifications ,ruling values and controls even in political protocols .                                                                                           

So religion with piousness way in addition to what add up to popular heritage of new values realized by the society members work in a essential way to determine the outlook to the world which effects directly in drawing the picture of the relation between each other and the social problems which results of the spontaneous social change both fast or slow change from the problems accumulates in a terrifying in fact it creates a black look about the future of these society which drive the society members and seek refuge..                                                                    

The summary established the relation of religious believe in its both branches the elite and popular piousness which divides it in to scientific and traditional believe which can contribute in realizing and under- standing the factors of dispersion and integration outside of these values format which is almost close and represented by religious format values in exploitation the effects of the inherited social values from direction and exploitation of possibility of changing this values in the religious institutions depending on the religious instructions which can be published by the open minded and enlightens religious men which have the social acceptability   


- القران الكريم
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How to Cite
كاظم جابرا. ص., & عبد الحسين جاسمق. (2020). The social dimensions of religious belief from knowledge to consciousness. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 22(3), 774-790. Retrieved from