North Korea's strength Components in East Asia and its geopolitical impact on the global geostrategic conflict

  • أ.د. حبيب راضي Department of Geography / College of Basic Education / University of Wasit
  • م.د. علي كريم Department of Geography / College of Basic Education / University of Wasit
Keywords: geostrategic, Geopolitic, strength Components


The Korean Peninsula is one of the vital regions of the world in the Far East, as it was represented by one country, Korea, occupied by Japan and witnessed horrible types of torture and the use of poisonous gases, and as a result of the deterioration of its conditions, the Korean Peninsula is looking forward to independence and getting rid of Japanese control. Indeed, after World War II and the surrender of Japan in 1945, Korea was divided into North Korea run by the Soviet Union and South run by the United States of America, separated by latitude (38) degrees north. This solution was temporary, but the reality of the situation that imposed itself on Korea is what settled where Divided into northern and southern.

The two Koreas adopted an approach that is almost two opposites, so the southern part turned to industry and the improvement of economic resources with direct assistance from the United States of America. As for North Korea, it remained towards the Stalinist ideology and under the umbrella of communism, and tended to build a military arsenal and manufacture weapons above conventional ones, especially ballistic missiles. Which cast a shadow over the existing strategic scene in the Asian continent and the nature of the regional interactions and balances existing in many of its regions and caused serious repercussions on international peace and security, and among these regions specifically the Northeast Asia-Pacific region, especially after North Korea's nuclear tests, which added new complications. On the prevailing regional environment in this vital region of the world and on the regional and international efforts seeking to make the Korean peninsula a zone free of nuclear weapons.

As for the strategic situation of North Korea, the military balance of power in Northeast Asia indicates its relative superiority in terms of comparison between countries in many traditional military capabilities. This situation guarantees North Korea its existence as a country without the need for nuclear capabilities. Its renunciation of nuclear weapons will give it the opportunity to obtain economic, political and security privileges that it desperately needs, more than what is achieved by its possession of nuclear weapons as an end in itself. Its nuclear ambitions are also hindered by restrictions and determinants, represented by its geopolitical location in the Northeast Asian region between Russia and China on the one hand .

Key words: geostrategic, Geopolitic, strength Components.


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How to Cite
راضيأ. ح., & كريمم. ع. (2024). North Korea’s strength Components in East Asia and its geopolitical impact on the global geostrategic conflict. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 26(4), 189-216. Retrieved from