إعداد الخريطة الطبوغرافية للوحة غرب الشنافية بمقياس 1: 25000 باستخدام (R.S& G.I.S)

  • أركان مظهر Assistant Director in the Fire Protection Department
  • أ. م.د. خالد مرزوك Al-Qadisiyah University / College of Arts / Geographic Department
Keywords: Preparing the map, topography, west of Shenafiya


The research dealt with preparing the West Shinafiya topographic Map using R.S.& GIS. The research relied on satellite visualization from the Landsat satellite with a resolution of 15 meters for the eighth band and a resolution of 30 meters for the rest of the bands for the year 2022, and satellite visualization obtained using the SAS Planet program with an accuracy of 0.30 meters for the year 2020, in addition to its reliance on a digital elevation model DEM for the year 2008 with precision. 12.5 m, ARC GIS 10.8 software, a 1980 topographic map at a scale of 1:25000, and a set of 2022 tabular data and open source data were linked to the database in order to produce the topographic map of the study area.

       The study reached a set of results, including the possibility of adopting geographic information systems in creating a geographic database for the topographic map of the study area and the possibility of updating it in the future. The study also reached the quality of the results of the indicators of vegetation cover and desert areas. The study also concluded the preparation of a topographic map of the study area on a scale of 1:25000 for the year 2022.


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How to Cite
مظهرأ., & مرزوكأ. م. خ. (2024). إعداد الخريطة الطبوغرافية للوحة غرب الشنافية بمقياس 1: 25000 باستخدام (R.S& G.I.S). Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 26(4), 237-260. Retrieved from https://journalart.qu.edu.iq/index.php/QJHS/article/view/724