The Image of the woman in the poetry of Farooq Jowaidah : Wayabqa al-Hub as a representative example

  • بشرى عبد الرزاق وهيب
Keywords: The Image of the woman, the poetry, Farooq Jowaidah


Undoubtedly, women have been and continue to be a central fiqure in Arab poetry since its inception. Farouk Gweida is one of the prominent contemporary poets who delved into the theme of women, showcasing their multifaceted humanity. This is evident in his rich and fertile poetic output, where women are not just sensual fiqures but also play a larger role in his poetic and humanistic composition. Women in Farouk Gweida's Gweida's poetry represent a source of goodness, generosity, and a safe haven for the poet's soul amidst life's hardships and pains, alleviating his heart from worries and unpleasant experiences


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How to Cite
وهيبب. (2024). The Image of the woman in the poetry of Farooq Jowaidah : Wayabqa al-Hub as a representative example. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 27(1), 27-44. Retrieved from