The virtue of Commitment Among the Teens

  • لقاء عبد الخضر
Keywords: The virtue of Commitment, Among the Teens


The research aims to identify the virtue of commitment among Teens. To achieve the objectives of the research, the researcher built a scale of the virtue of commitment according to Erikson’s theory (1968). It consisted in its final form of (19) items, and after verifying its validity and stability and analyzing its items statistically on the research sample of (400) male and female Teens. They were selected randomly and in a proportional manner, and then the results of the research were extracted by analyzing the Teens’ answers. Using a set of statistical methods, the research concluded that Teens are characterized by the virtue of commitment, and there were no differences in the virtue of commitment among Teens according to the variables of gender and specialization. Based on the results that emerged from the research, the researcher developed a set of recommendations and proposals.



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How to Cite
عبد الخضرل. (2024). The virtue of Commitment Among the Teens. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 27(1), 271-288. Retrieved from