The Moroccan experience in combating drugs and psychotropic substances: a critical and suggested reading

  • د. أنس بو سلام


The research provides Critical and suggested reading of the Moroccan experience in combating drugs and psychotropic substances, where the experience is evaluated in terms of the results achieved and the limits of success with regard to the area of ​​land cultivated with cannabis, the growing European demand and the increase in drug smuggling operations, as well as the alternatives offered to cannabis growers, as well as with regard to Addiction treatment and Moroccan criminal policy. The research concludes its topics by presenting a set of proposals and recommendations.


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How to Cite
بو سلامد. أ. (2024). The Moroccan experience in combating drugs and psychotropic substances: a critical and suggested reading. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 27(1), 371-382. Retrieved from