Environmental Problem and public Health Deterioration – A Social Field research in AdDiwaniyah City.

  • م.د. هند ناظم
  • م. بشرى جلاوي
Keywords: Environmental Problem, public Health Deterioration


Environmental problems are one of the topics that have received study and attention in all human societies and official and international bodies, due to the negative effects that environmental problems cause on the deterioration of public health and the spread of many diseases, as they cause the problem of environmental pollution, radioactive pollution, water and food pollution, and many other types of pollution. Among the diseases that cause deterioration in human health, we notice an increase in diseases that were caused by high temperatures, such as fever diseases, viral hepatitis, and other diseases, in addition to cancerous diseases, brain diseases, congenital malformations diseases, and other diseases, which led to the cooperation and solidarity of all international efforts from In order to preserve and care for the environment. In this research, the two researchers sought to identify the most important environmental problems, what are the most important reasons that lead to these problems, what are the effects of these problems on the individual and society, and develop solutions, proposals, and some recommendations that help in reducing these problems that cause the deterioration of the public health of the individual and pollution of the environment. The search results include the following:

  • The majority of respondents have a high level of education, and the level of education is a fundamental and important factor in achieving economic growth, and a high level of education makes individuals more capable and understanding of environmental problems.
  • Humans are one of the main factors in causing environmental problems, due to human misuse of the environment and the increase in population that leads to environmental deterioration.
  • Industrialization is one of the factors that lead to health and environmental problems, as manufacturing waste greatly affects the health of the individual, causing serious diseases and affecting the environment, as it contributes to polluting the environment with toxic substances.

Opening w0rds- environmental problems-public health


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How to Cite
ناظمم. ه., & جلاويم. ب. (2024). Environmental Problem and public Health Deterioration – A Social Field research in AdDiwaniyah City. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 27(1), 561-580. Retrieved from https://journalart.qu.edu.iq/index.php/QJHS/article/view/784