tawasue aleumraniu watharuh ealaa alarid alziraeiat fi aljanib aldaghara

  • أ.د حسين عذاب
  • م.د مناهل طالب
Keywords: altawasue , aleumraniu , alaradi alziraeiat , aldighara


This research aims to shed light on urban expansion and its impact on agricultural lands in the Daghara district, in view of the danger that threatens the population’s food and the future of agricultural production through urban sprawl and the devouring of fertile agricultural lands, which threatens the agricultural countryside and the future of agricultural production. The research relied on the descriptive approach in determining the geographical factors affecting it, as well as the analytical approach, according to which the geographical environment was analyzed with all its components and their impact on the emergence of the problem of expansion at the expense of agricultural lands. The research concluded that natural and human geographical factors have helped to increase this expansion, which It had a role in urban sprawl in all directions at the expense of large areas of food-producing agricultural land, namely the location, flat surface, good soil and water resources, and the natural population increase factor, which increased the demand for housing units, in addition to the economic and social factors. The research also found that The most significant phase of urbanization was in the 1980s, as well as the period following 2003, which is due to economic and social reasons, in addition to state policy, which had a negative role in increasing this expansion on agricultural lands.


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How to Cite
عذابأ. ح., & طالبم. م. (2024). tawasue aleumraniu watharuh ealaa alarid alziraeiat fi aljanib aldaghara. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 27(1), 639 - 658. Retrieved from https://journalart.qu.edu.iq/index.php/QJHS/article/view/788