The false consensus for prison inmates who commit moral crimes

  • أ.د. نغم هادي
  • نبيل نوير
Keywords: The false consensus, perpetrators of moral crimes, prison inmates.


The current research aims to identify the false consensus for the perpetrators of moral crimes among prison inmates, and the significance of statistical differences in the false consensus among the perpetrators of moral crimes according to (gender, marital status, type of crime). To achieve the objectives of the research, tools were required to measure false consensus, and after the researchers reviewed the studies The previous ones did not find the appropriate tool, so it was necessary to build a tool to measure false consensus, which consisted of (18) items and two alternatives. The research concluded that the research sample had false consensus to a high degree, and that there were no differences in false consensus among the perpetrators of moral crimes according to the gender variable. (Males, females). In addition, there is no statistically significant difference in false consensus according to the marital status variable, and there are no statistically significant differences in false consensus according to the type of crime.


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How to Cite
هاديأ. ن., & نويرن. (2024). The false consensus for prison inmates who commit moral crimes. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 27(1), 735 - 754. Retrieved from