The critical perspective of the postmodern trend in sociology. An analytical study of Anthony Giddens's criticisms of the postmodern trend

  • أ.م. نصير محسن
  • أ.د ثناء محمد
Keywords: criticism, postmodernism, Anthony Giddens


One of the important and main objectives of the research is to provide a critical reading of the post-modernism trend, which is one of the important theoretical trends in sociology,  and what Anthony Giddens has exerted of intellectual and philosophical efforts and the critical attempts he has made towards the post-modernist trend, despite his formal affiliation to this trend. He has taken a pragmatic path through which he aspires to interpret and analyze the form of current social life with an unprecedented critical eye


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How to Cite
محسنأ. ن., & محمدأ. ث. (2024). The critical perspective of the postmodern trend in sociology. An analytical study of Anthony Giddens’s criticisms of the postmodern trend. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 27(1), 755 - 768. Retrieved from