Feminist labour in the Directory of Aluthanna Governorate

  • أ.م.د شاكر عواد
  • أ.م.د أحمد حسن
Keywords: labor force, female, education in Al-Muthanna Governorate


The research aims to study the female workforce in the education of Al-Muthanna Governorate for the year (2020 AD), and based on that, reliance was placed on the descriptive and analytical approaches, and on the data of the Directorate of Education in Al-Muthanna, Statistics Division, for the purpose of identifying the size and distribution of the female workforce and the extent of its effective participation in the education of Al-Muthanna Governorate. Explaining some of their demographic and social characteristics, as well as knowing the factors that affect the size, distribution, and performance of the female workforce. In order to give a clear and accurate picture of the female workforce in education in Muthanna Governorate.

       The researchers reached a set of results, the most important of which are: The vast majority of the female workforce is concentrated in the Samawah District, as its number reached (823), equivalent to (47.2%) of the total female workforce in Muthanna Education, and this is attributed to the high rate of population growth. There is a high level of education, and therefore most females continue studying until graduation, in addition to the high level of urbanization, and the entry of women into the labor market for the purpose of helping men provide the family’s necessities. Social factors have a major role in determining female participation in the labor force, through the control of some social customs and traditions that view women as having their place in the home and raising children, and that they do not have the right to participate in work and associate with men. However, the influence of these factors has decreased recently as a result of social and economic changes. The female workforce in education in Muthanna Governorate is increasing within the age groups (49 and under) in all administrative units due to the economic and social changes that have occurred, and the majority of the female workforce is directed to engage in the field of education. It appeared that the vast majority of the female workforce hold a bachelor’s degree in all administrative units in Muthanna Governorate, due to the ease of obtaining it compared to higher degrees that require additional money, time and effort.


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How to Cite
عوادأ. ش., & حسنأ. أ. (2024). Feminist labour in the Directory of Aluthanna Governorate. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 27(1), 789 - 810. Retrieved from https://journalart.qu.edu.iq/index.php/QJHS/article/view/797