Post-Global Society

  • أ.د معن خليل العمر
Keywords: Society, globalization


Postmodern philosophy is a tool for demolition, undermining, and deconstruction that works hard to liberate man from the central categories that controlled Western culture and free him from Western mythology based on domination, exploitation, alienation, stereotyping, and approximation. This is done by arming himself with a set of intellectual and methodological mechanisms, such as questioning Western cultural institutions and exposing... Its ideological delusions and the exposure of its oppressive discourses based on authority, violence and force.

    As for its defects, they are absurd, chaotic, nihilistic, and subversive. They contribute to the establishment of authoritarian and oppressive regimes and make man an absurd, chaotic, worthless being in this universe who lives a life of alienation, anomaly, sarcasm, and paradox in this lost world.

     After this theoretical approach with post-modernism, I address the context of the nature of society after globalization, which represents a more distinguished and advanced evolutionary stage in its technical innovations that serve modern man after he acquired the characteristics of globalization (which we mentioned in the previous chapter), which led to a negative reaction to it and another developed to it. Meaning, this stage - post-globalization and modernity - was not identical to globalization and modernity or an extension of it. Rather, at times it was the path of upward vertical development according to its developed interests, and at other times it took the path of the opposite direction according to its affected interests, and at other times it took the path of liberation, independence, and so on.


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How to Cite
خليل العمرأ. م. (2024). Post-Global Society. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 27(1), 899 - 922. Retrieved from