Personal meaning and its correlation of teachers religious orientation

  • أ.م.د سلام هاشم
  • م.م. فاضل أسود
Keywords: Personal meaning, religious orientation, teachers


Personal meaning represents one of the variables affecting the personality and behavior of a person, his mental health and his relationships with others. Despite its importance, it is affected and may affect other variables, including religious orientation that represent a reflection of the individual's understanding of religion and the way he practices his religious beliefs. Both variables and the relationship between them represent an important topic for scientific research, especially among teachers in Iraqi society. Therefore, the current research seeks to known the personal meaning  , the religious orientation  ,the correlation between personal meaning and religious orientation of teachers. To achieve the aims of the research, the researcher worked on adopting the personal meaning scale of Wong, approved by Odeh (2020), which consisted in its final form of 54 items, as well as preparing the scale of religious orientation , which in its final form consisted of 23 items, 11 of which measure the Intrinsic religious orientation. And the other 12 items measure the Extrinsic religious orientation. After verifying the availability of the two scales on the psychometric characteristics required to be available in the psychological scales , the two scales were applied to the research sample of (400) male and female teachers, they were chosen using the simple random sampling method, and after correcting the forms of the two scales and using the appropriate statistical methods using the Statistical bag for social sciences  SPSS , The results of the research showed that teachers enjoy personal meaning, and they tend to adopt a intrinsic  religious orientation, and there is no relationship between personal meaning and religious orientation among teachers. In light of the above results, the research came out with a set of recommendations and proposals.


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How to Cite
هاشمأ. س., & أسودم. ف. (2024). Personal meaning and its correlation of teachers religious orientation. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 27(1), 1003 - 1034. Retrieved from