The change in wetness average and its relation to rainfall in Iraq

  • م.م مصطفى فلاح
  • م.م علا لطفي


This research addressed the interest in the size of relative humidity rates (%) and the extent of the relationship of the decrease in moisture content to the change in rainfall values (mm) in Iraq. The study included eight climate stations distributed over the study area in a way that includes all its edges and a study of the change in relative humidity rates. Rainfall was estimated by dividing the research into three climatic cycles, the first extending between (1985-1996), the second extending to (1997-2008), and the third (2009-2020). It became clear that the relative humidity recorded its highest percentage during the first cycle, which reached (56 %) is followed by the second cycle with a rate of (53%), while the third cycle came with the lowest percentage of humidity, amounting to (51%). With regard to the general trend of relative humidity, there was a decrease in all study stations with a clear variation in the values of the correlation coefficient between one station and another. As for precipitation Al-Matari recorded the highest rainfall total during the first session, amounting to (1970.8 mm), followed by the second session with a total amount of rain amounting to (1357.3 mm), and the lowest rainfall value recorded in the third session, amounting to (1143.5 mm), and spatially, Mosul station recorded the highest rainfall total during the three cycles, amounting to (5027.2 mm) for the first cycle, (3801.3 mm) for the second cycle, and (3147.6 mm) for the third cycle. As for the general trend of rainfall, it also became clear that it was heading towards a decrease at all study stations and for all climatic cycles. As for the correlation relationship, it became clear that the decrease in rates Humidity and its general trend towards decrease is largely due to the lack of rainfall, as evidenced by the direct correlation, which was revealed by applying the Pearson equation, with the degree of the relationship varying from moderate to strong.


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How to Cite
فلاحم. م., & لطفيم. ع. (2024). The change in wetness average and its relation to rainfall in Iraq. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 27(1), 1135 - 1156. Retrieved from