Coping self-efficacy and its relation to psychological health among Students of the Preparatory Stage

  • م. د. صالح محمد
  • م. د. حيدر كاظم
Keywords: Coping Self-Efficacy, Psychological Health


The following research aims to identify the coping self-efficacy and psychological health among students according to the gender, as well as the correlation between coping self-efficacy and psychological health. The sample is consisted of (373) students of the preparatory stage schools in government of Babylon city, in the course of study (2023-2024). To achieve aims, the researchers used the coping self-efficacy scale constructed by Chesney et al. (2003) which consist of (24) items, and the psychological health scale constructed by AL- Mabrouk (2019) which consist of (20) items, It was applied on a sample and making use of statistic package of social sciences (SPSS). The findings were as follows: 

     There are statistical difference at (0.05) level according to gender in coping self-efficacy and psychological health. There are positive correlation between coping self-efficacy and psychological health. Depending on these results, the researchers states some recommendations and suggestions


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How to Cite
محمدم. د. ص., & كاظمم. د. ح. (2024). Coping self-efficacy and its relation to psychological health among Students of the Preparatory Stage. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 27(1), 1179 - 1210. Retrieved from