Evaluationof toxic minerals in the water and sediments of Al-Shafi irrigation channel and their environmental effects

  • أ.م.د سرور عبد الأمير
Keywords: Evaluationof toxic minerals, the water, sediments of Al-Shafi


The changes that occurred in the hydrological system of the Shatt al-Arab stream led to significant changes in the sources of pollution and their levels. Therefore, the concentration of four toxic metals was measured in four stations in the water and sediments along the longitudinal section of the Shafi Canal (nickel, chromium, arsenic, and cadmium) for the wet and dry seasons of 2024. And sent to the laboratories of the South Oil Company for analysis, and it became clear through laboratory analyzes that the concentrations of toxic metals dissolved in the studied water witnessed local and seasonal variations, as their percentage increased during the wet season compared to the dry season due to rain, which plays a major role in delivering large quantities of toxic metals to The aquatic environment through its role in the deposition of airborne pollutants that increase the pollutants in the water from or from the emission of gases resulting from the atmosphere or through electric generators or through what the Shatt al-Arab drains. The main source of toxic metals. It was found that the studied levels of toxic metals in the benthic sediments are much higher than those found in the water of the four measuring stations. These high levels of toxic metals at the bottom of the channel may indicate a state of excessive accumulation of toxic metals in the benthic sediments due to fine sediments that increase the absorption process, which It led to accumulation and high concentrations in the sediments compared to water in general. It was found that the concentration of the studied minerals increased in levels towards the fourth station due to the calmness of the current and the speed of sedimentation. The studied minerals also had environmental effects and were within the permissible limits for irrigation, agriculture and fish living only, and it is not suitable for drinking


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How to Cite
عبد الأميرأ. س. (2024). Evaluationof toxic minerals in the water and sediments of Al-Shafi irrigation channel and their environmental effects. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 27(1), 1317 - 1336. Retrieved from https://journalart.qu.edu.iq/index.php/QJHS/article/view/822