The critical term according to critic Saleh Huwaidi

  • م.د. ساجد كامل
Keywords: Term, Problem, Rumination, indication, common term .


The research deals with the critical term of the Iraqi critic Saleh Huwaidi in some of his critical writings, which I touched on in the introduction, it is not the name of this critic of the names that the researcher can pass them easily and does not stop there, but the researcher stood in contemplation to clarify some of the terminological concepts of this critic, the critic was able to invent some terms with new names equivalent to the names of the continent terminology and this is calculated for the critic, Although he himself is reluctant to use this term, so I highlighted these critical products that reflect a cognitive awareness that has a genius of his ability to explore the depths of terms, and his attempt to invent new concepts, the critic's corner to monitor the relationship of the terminological concept and its relationship to the texts that it expresses to monitor the problem between the terms, and his attempt to launch the phrase , word or reformer with the significance expressed, He had tools and procedural means in criticism, launched without reservation or reverence indicates his full awareness of the perception of the connotations of the term, through which he tried to reveal these critical visions he has. So the research came under this name ((critical term when the critic Saleh Howeidi)) The research was based on the introduction and preamble and two sections and concluded with a conclusion clarifying the findings of the research and the most prominent results and proved by sources and references.



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How to Cite
كاملم. س. (2024). The critical term according to critic Saleh Huwaidi. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 27(1), 1337 - 1354. Retrieved from