Modern Spanish Literature as World Literature with a Special Focus on Lorca's Romencero Gitano

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Keywords: World Literature, Lorca, Romencero Gitano, Gypsy Ballads, Spain


The world at the turn of the twenty-first century has become a shrinking sphere. Innovative modes of transmission make communication from one continent to another almost instantaneous, encouraging the development of an increasingly global society, heightening the urgency of the need for mutual understanding. It is believed that people's literature are keys to their perspectives, their emotions, their heritage, and the formative events that have brought them to the present condition. World Literature regards both fiction and nonfiction as rich mediums for understanding the traditions of all countries all over the glob. In its view, full understanding of a literary work demands a careful attention to events and attitudes of the period in which any masterpiece has been written and which circumstances, whether social, political, or economic, that helped to crystalize this piece of art. In Spain and by the 20th century, Lorca's (1898-1936) Romencero Gitano (1928) (Gypsy Ballads) is considered one of the masterpieces of World Literature due to the effect it has implanted inside its readers. Thus, this study attempts to shed light on this piece of art as part of human literary heritage in general and Spanish folklore in particular during the governing  of Facist regime at that time.


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How to Cite
الكرويأ. ه. (2024). Modern Spanish Literature as World Literature with a Special Focus on Lorca’s Romencero Gitano. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 27(1), 7 - 18. Retrieved from