Strategic management of groundwater according to the water quality assessment in terms of the standard score in Al-Qadisiyah Governorate

  • prof. Dr. Hussein Ali
Keywords: Quran, Surahs, Speech Acts, Pragmatic Functions, Al-Tariq, Al-Ma'un


This descriptive study tackles illocutionary speech acts in two short Surahs of the holy Quran, specifically,  Surah Al-Tariq and Surah Al-Ma'un. The aims of this study are to find out the types of the illocutionary speech acts and the pragmatic functions in addition to whether they were  implicitly or explicitly performed in the said Surahs. The significance of this study  is to reveal the classes  of the illocutionary speech acts and the pragmatic functions employed in these Surahs and to highlight the high eloquence of the selected Surahs in conveying  messages to the recipients. Only sixteen samples have been analyzed,  and the approach followed to analyze the data is qualitative. Furthermore, some books of exegesis have been consulted and depended on to analyze the data. The results of the present study are that the illocutionary speech acts of representatives, directives and commissives were used in the two Surahs mentioned above. Different pragmatic functions like describing, ordering, threatening, asserting, warning and promising were employed in these Surahs. Moreover, explicit speech acts were used with a high frequency of occurrence whereas implicit speech acts were used with a low frequency of occurrence. In addition, some verses perform more than one speech act at the same time to convey more than one message, and they have been analyzed under more than one type of speech acts. This indicates the high eloquence of the selected Surahs in conveying the messages to people.


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How to Cite
Ali, prof. D. H. (2024). Strategic management of groundwater according to the water quality assessment in terms of the standard score in Al-Qadisiyah Governorate. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 27(1), 33 - 56. Retrieved from