Postmodernism and its applications in the Iraqi digital theater

  • م.د. نور سعيد جبار Collge of art/unversity of Al-Qadisiyah
  • فاطمة عبد العزيز كلية الحلة الجامعه الأهلية
Keywords: theatrical modernity digital


The present research is concerned with the study of postmodernism and its applications in the presentations of the Iraqi digital theater. The research is divided into four chapters. The first chapter is dedicated to determining the problem of research, which is determined by the following question: Did the postmodern concept apply to the performances of the Iraqi digital theater?The first chapter also included the importance of the research, which was included in (the quest to inaugurate new fields that correspond to the nature of the technological developments witnessed by the world ..It also contained research objectives that focused on the knowledge of the postmodern concept and its applications on Iraqi digital theater performances.This chapter included the boundaries of the research that were spatially determined (the Iraqi plays that used digital technology within the show). The period from which the presentations were presented from October 22-30, 2013, and objectively (postmodern study and its applications in Iraqi digital dramas) ).This chapter also includes the definition of terminology, which is defined as (postmodern, digital theater).

The second chapter contains the theoretical framework, the previous studies and the indicators that resulted from the theoretical framework. This chapter included two topics (the digital theater - the concept - the emergence), the second (digital techniques and concerns in the Iraqi digital theater).

The third chapter devoted to the research procedures that included defining the research society in accordance with the temporal and spatial clauses that were included within the limits of the research. The sample of the research included the presentation of the play Iraqi Arbaanah. It was chosen in the logical way - to follow the mabahith and to achieve the research objectives, A sample was analyzed in this chapter.The fourth chapter, which was obtained as a result of the application of characteristics on the sample, and the appearance of the results of the levels and types of these applications, which generally showed the application of samples of the postmodern features differently. The study showed the employment of postmodern features (contradiction, decentralization, On the language of the body, openness, involvement of the recipient, ...) The most important conclusions, which stressed that theatrical play has employed the concepts and (postmodern) concepts in a way that suits the taste of the recipient, has concluded this chapter the most important recommendations and suggestions that came from the researcher, List of most important sources and references.


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ثالثاً: الانترنت:-
24-حبيب،محمد حسين ،ميدل أيست اولاين مسرحية(فيس بوك)وتقانة المسرح الرقمي:
How to Cite
سعيد جبارم. ن., & عبد العزيزف. (2020). Postmodernism and its applications in the Iraqi digital theater. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 22(4), 84-101. Retrieved from