The aesthetic and technical dimensions of plant motifs in contemporary American ceramics Casey Huckhalter as a model -

  • . رنا قاسم مهدي كلية الفنون الجميلة / جامعة بابل
  • أ.د.شوقي مصطفى الموسوي كليه الفنون جامعه بابل
Keywords: comparative study international and American ceramics


     The aesthetic and technical dimensions of contemporary world and contemporary ceramics are a contemporary artistic genre, linked to the techniques of showmaking since the first attempts. In particular, there is a clear uniqueness in the ceramic experiments of contemporary American artist Casey Hochhalter, who celebrated contemporary aesthetics and techniques for the formal structure of color and space. On this basis, the current research consisted of four chapters. The first chapter covered the problem of research, its importance and the need for it, which attempted to address many contemporary techniques and methods of applying them to the ceramic body in the United States of America to highlight the new experiences in general and the potter's experience Casey in addition to answer some aesthetic questions, which were the most important: What dimensions aesthetic and technical in contemporary ceramics? What are the mechanisms of application of the aesthetic and technical dimensions of plant forms in the Casey Hoekthalar experiment?

      The second chapter deals with the "technical dimensions of contemporary ceramic art" while the third is about "the aesthetic structure of postmodern art in modern ceramics" ), As well as the indicators that the research ended. While the third chapter includes the research procedures represented by the research society (44), its model and methodology, and the mechanisms of analysis of some of the illustrated models of the American potter Casey Hoekthalar. The fourth chapter, which included the results of the research,

 - owned the achievements of the ceramic artist with a distinctive design sense, based on artistic constructions that go from the natural form through the cultural to the abstract.

- The work of the potter Cassie to draw the attention of the public to the vocabulary and objects located in the depths of the earth and the ocean and re-display the aesthetics of the environment in which a person lives without feeling or appreciates the beauty, but continues to destroy and destroy through pollution and the elimination of natural aesthetic worlds where the oldest of Human beings are threatened with annihilation by industrial and technological development.

      As well as some of the most important conclusions: the interest of contemporary American ceramics and natural signs and signals without the visual scenes in the crucible of the tradition that the products, the spirit of the artistic and aesthetic era without becoming a naive decorative. This chapter also includes recommendations and proposals, the most important of which are ceramics techniques between modernity and postmodernism (comparative study(


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How to Cite
قاسم مهدي . ر., & مصطفى الموسويأ. (2020). The aesthetic and technical dimensions of plant motifs in contemporary American ceramics Casey Huckhalter as a model -. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 22(4), 138-150. Retrieved from