The psychology of Bachelard's place and his appearances in postmodern art

  • م . د . عباس تركي محيسن المنصوري Collge of art/unversity of Al-Qadisiyah
Keywords: psychology of place Bachelard.


That the concept of the place generates in the human psyche a pressing psychological effect that makes us in front of the phenomenon of bearing the concerns of the texts read through the artistic product in general and formative in particular, it is an activity that stands on the threshold of the flowing artistic experience, from which the artist took a clear critical attitude, his passion emerges through an intellectual field, Within a clear theoretical framework, the features of its problems are determined by the following question (What are the psychological manifestations of the place in postmodern art according to Bachelard's philosophy?) It included the importance of research through the fact that the place has formed a psychological stressful depth that the artist was unable to ignore in many of his artworks and the goal of the research came in Understanding the dimension The psychology of the place according to Bachelard's philosophy in postmodern art and specifically (pop art), supremacy or (supremalism) and earth art) for the period from the second half of the twentieth century to the present time in (Europe and America), and the research included (the framework) Theoretical) which includes the following axes: the first: Basil and the psychology of the place, the second: papillarity of the place and the third: the function of the intimate place at Baslar and its mechanisms. And required (research procedures) as follows: Research methodology The researcher has adopted the descriptive (analytical) approach, the research community and the research sample, which amounted to (6) works selected intentionally, then the tool required for honesty and consistency. After applying the proposed tool to the sample, the research reached the following results, including: - The end-of-magnitude mechanism emerged four iterations out of 6 models, so its appearance rate was 6, 66%. On the other hand, the ultrafine mechanism appeared at a rate of 33, 33%, with a frequency of 2 out of 6 models. . The mechanism of the formal place recorded varying ratios between the secondary paragraphs of this mechanism, as an automatic paragraph came out, a mechanism for 100% places placement when it appeared in all samples of the sample of 6 models, as well as the embodiment of the place that appeared in all samples of the sample except for one, which is the first model was 83.3% withrepetitionsItreached5iterations.           


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How to Cite
تركي محيسن المنصوريم. . د. . ع. (2020). The psychology of Bachelard’s place and his appearances in postmodern art. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 22(4), 151-163. Retrieved from