Platonic ideals and their representations in the theatrical text Plyas and Milizand as a model

  • أ.م. د كاظم جبارة سلطان كليه الحله الجامعة
  • م. د. مسار عربي جاسم كليه الحله الجامعة
Keywords: Platonic theory approach analytical description, theatrical text


The current research deals with a fixed and entrenched philosophical theory in Greek philosophy that had to have an important place within the immortal writings of Plato, where the theory of ideals was projected on the entire components of the universe and existence, as well as its influence extending to modern philosophy, as modern philosophers have taken it up and divided between asymptotes with some modifications. The theory and the spacing of the matter, which has made continuous changes in the entirety of the merits of the theory, and dropping the entirety of that on the text of the play Plais and Milizand. Accordingly, the research topic was divided into four chapters. The first chapter dealt with (the methodological framework), starting with the research problem and centered on the following question: How was the theory of the Platonic proverbs represented in the play of Plais and Milizand? This was followed by the importance of the research manifested by: shedding light on the theory of the Platonic ideals and their representations in the play of Plais and Millesand, whereas the aim of the research came about: defining the transformations of the theory of the Platonic ideals and their representations in the play of Plais and Millesand, then the limits of the research in time (1892) and spatially (France) and objectively the theory of ideals and their representations In Playas and Milisand, the chapter concludes by defining two terms (ideals, representations), language and idioms.
The second chapter (theoretical framework), which includes two topics, includes the first: the theory of the Platonic proverb a conceptual approach, the second: the representations of the theory of the proverb, a) the representations of the theory of the proverb among philosophers after Plato, b) the representations of the theory of the proverb in the theatrical text. The chapter ends with the indicators that resulted from the theoretical framework.As for the third chapter (Research Procedures), the research community includes only the play of Plais and Millesand, and the research tool is represented by the indicators that resulted from the theoretical framework as the analytical standard, and the research methodology, where the research relied on the descriptive analytical approach to its suitability for the aim of the research, followed by a sample analysis.The fourth chapter deals with the research results, starting with the results and discussing them, and the conclusions, and the research ends with a list of sources and references.


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How to Cite
جبارة سلطانأ. د. ك., & عربي جاسمم. د. م. (2020). Platonic ideals and their representations in the theatrical text Plyas and Milizand as a model. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 22(4), 197-214. Retrieved from