Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences 2024-01-29T19:33:03+00:00 Hind Ahmed al-Kurwy Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences has been issued in 1991 by College of Arts- University of Al-Qadisiyah. The researches published in this journal are in fields of English (literature, linguistics, and methods of teaching), Arabic language (literature , linguistics, and methods of teaching) , studies in Archaeology, Geography, Psychology, Sociology, and History. The language of the journal is both Arabic and English with an English abstract for researches published in Arabic and the vice versa.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong></p> arabic content 2024-01-29T19:33:03+00:00 journal arts <p>محتويات باللغة العربية</p> 2024-01-29T19:33:03+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## English content 2024-01-29T19:32:37+00:00 journal arts <p>English content</p> 2024-01-29T19:32:36+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sustainable Development of Palm Trees in Al-Muthana Governorate 2024-01-28T09:21:52+00:00 أ.م.د. حيدر عبود الشمري <p>This study aims at setting plans for sustainable re-cultivating palm trees in Al-Muthana governorate, which are able to face emergent and future changes of the conditions of palm trees cultivation. Such sustainable cultivation will preserve and increase high productivity of rare species and increase the ability to compete with its counterparts in neighboring countries. Moreover, the process may include recycling secondary products and waste. The year 2020 is the starting point and the year 2035 is the target year.</p> 2024-01-28T08:17:10+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Law and/or Justice in Richard Wagner's “The Ring of the Nibelung” 2024-01-28T09:21:52+00:00 أ.د. أريج الخفاجي أ.م.د. هند أحمد الكروي <p>Usurping ontological stability by the two dictators of Walhalla and Nibelheim opens the question of law and/or justice in Richard Wagner's<em> “The Ring of the Nebilung”.</em> The choice of <em>and/or</em>, of <em>yes</em>/<em>no</em> in the title of this paper is a Derridian <em>torture</em>, or (un)decidability between the polemic and the logic of supplement. It is a rewarding deconstructive method of interrogating the <em>juridico-ethico-political</em> discourse in Wagner's <em>Ring Cycle</em>. The power-struggle between gods, giants and gnomes and the subsequent human tragedy show that in the history of law (droit), legality is the construct of power, not of justice. Wotan's spear and the immense power given to the Rhinegold owner indicate, both in the libretto and music, the “enforceability of law or contract”, “violence that one always deems unjust”. However, 'it is just that there be law,' or the accessibility to law as <em>law</em> provides a 'possibility of justice,' says Derrida. Reading the supreme piece of Wagnerite music drama in the light of Jacques Derrida's ideas, this study seeks to find new interpretive potentialities. It aims at a deconstructive examination of the text by destabilizing the foundations of law, morality and politics. This study assumes having preliminary musical knowledge on the part of the reader.</p> 2024-01-28T08:18:28+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## انتشار اضطراب الفجيعة المعقد المستمر في محافظات الفرات الاوسط 2024-01-28T09:21:52+00:00 أ.م.د. عادل خضير <ol> <li>Disorder known prevalence rates of<strong> Persistent complex bereavement disorder</strong> . 2. Know the level of<strong> complex bereavement disorder,</strong> Know the differences in<strong> complex bereavement disorder</strong> according to variable type (males - females). To achieve the objectives of the research, the researcher prepared one metric to measure the variable discussed extracted its validity and reliability, and applied together to sample the major search's (1000) father and mother, Al-Qadisiyah, Babylon, Najaf, and Karbala, for the year (2021-2022), and then analyzed the data using the means appropriate statistical results were the following:</li> <li><br> Prevalence of Oppositional Defiant Disorder was (29,5%) of the totalsample. 2. There are significant differences for complex bereavement disorder, 3. There are differences in favor females in the complex bereavement disorder, &nbsp;Based on the results of research, the researcher developed the recommendations and appropriate proposals</li> </ol> 2024-01-28T08:19:40+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## أبرز الشخصيات في الدولة الصفوية من خلال كتابات دائرة المعارف الاسلامية الكبرى دراســـة تـاريـخية 2024-01-28T09:21:52+00:00 م.م. حيدر عبد علي كشيش <p><strong>The research dealt with the personalities of the Safavid state, its role and its effects. It dealt with the personality of Ismail al-Safavi II, Asir al-Isfahani (or al-Shahr Stani), Asad al-Kashi, 1638 AD, among the Sufi poets of Kashan in the Safavid era, Iskandar Beg al-Manshi (1561-1633 AD), Asadullah al-Isfahani (a well-known sword maker in 1700 AD), and al-Istarabadi.&nbsp; Sharaf al-Din Ali al-Husseini al-Istarabadi al-Najafi is one of the Imami scholars, Mirza Muhammad ibn Ali ibn Ibrahim 1619 AD, Abu Turab al-Isfahani who devoted himself to (Taraba) 1662 AD, and Ikhtiyar al-Din al-Turbati al-Hasan ibn Ghiyath al-Din al-Husseini, famous for the judge of Ikhtiyar and the Diwan of Istifā’ of the Safavid era and the names of the regions of the Safavid state.</strong></p> 2024-01-28T08:21:20+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## التجار وأثرهم على المجتمع المصري في العهد المملوكي (648-923هـ / 1250-1517م) 2024-01-28T09:21:53+00:00 م.م. مؤيد محيسن كاظم <p>This study examined the impact of traders on Egyptian society in the Mamluk era, because they have important place . They are the friends of the Sultans and their entourage, and they are highly respected by the sultans. They enjoyed great influence and occupied social positions. They were wholesalers and brokers and they became world traders and mediators in the sale of good , many of them , Especially kemalism. They distinguished the public by their close relationship with traders. As result as the high prices experienced by the society during the periods of this study as well as the stability and its association with local production and the fluctuation of the movement of traders and affected by the Mamluk policy, especially in imposing of taxes on the one hand, and the monopoly of the sultans of some goods for their own account on the other hand</p> 2024-01-28T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## إعداد الخريطة الطبوغرافية للوحة غرب الشنافية بمقياس 1: 25000 باستخدام (R.S& G.I.S) 2024-01-28T09:21:53+00:00 أركان مظهر أ. م.د. خالد مرزوك <p><strong>The research dealt with preparing the West Shinafiya topographic Map using R.S.&amp; GIS. The research relied on satellite visualization from the Landsat satellite with a resolution of 15 meters for the eighth band and a resolution of 30 meters for the rest of the bands for the year 2022, and satellite visualization obtained using the SAS Planet program with an accuracy of 0.30 meters for the year 2020, in addition to its reliance on a digital elevation model DEM for the year 2008 with precision. 12.5 m, ARC GIS 10.8 software, a 1980 topographic map at a scale of 1:25000, and a set of 2022 tabular data and open source data were linked to the database in order to produce the topographic map of the study area.</strong></p> <p><strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The study reached a set of results, including the possibility of adopting geographic information systems in creating a geographic database for the topographic map of the study area and the possibility of updating it in the future. The study also reached the quality of the results of the indicators of vegetation cover and desert areas. The study also concluded the preparation of a topographic map of the study area on a scale of 1:25000 for the year 2022.</strong></p> 2024-01-28T08:28:49+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Iraqi occupation of Kuwait in the Arab press - 1990-1991 2024-01-28T09:21:53+00:00 م.م. عقيل يوسف <p><strong>Kuwait started paid oil in wourd market after end Iraqi-irani war by Kuwait government ,in time whose Iraq in needed to maney because war years Kuwait government treet this order by buroo oil to all countries and this case iraq&nbsp; become in station bad problem and this order captulated war</strong></p> 2024-01-28T08:30:15+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## North Korea's strength Components in East Asia and its geopolitical impact on the global geostrategic conflict 2024-01-28T09:21:54+00:00 أ.د. حبيب راضي م.د. علي كريم <p>The Korean Peninsula is one of the vital regions of the world in the Far East, as it was represented by one country, Korea, occupied by Japan and witnessed horrible types of torture and the use of poisonous gases, and as a result of the deterioration of its conditions, the Korean Peninsula is looking forward to independence and getting rid of Japanese control. Indeed, after World War II and the surrender of Japan in 1945, Korea was divided into North Korea run by the Soviet Union and South run by the United States of America, separated by latitude (38) degrees north. This solution was temporary, but the reality of the situation that imposed itself on Korea is what settled where Divided into northern and southern.</p> <p>The two Koreas adopted an approach that is almost two opposites, so the southern part turned to industry and the improvement of economic resources with direct assistance from the United States of America. As for North Korea, it remained towards the Stalinist ideology and under the umbrella of communism, and tended to build a military arsenal and manufacture weapons above conventional ones, especially ballistic missiles. Which cast a shadow over the existing strategic scene in the Asian continent and the nature of the regional interactions and balances existing in many of its regions and caused serious repercussions on international peace and security, and among these regions specifically the Northeast Asia-Pacific region, especially after North Korea's nuclear tests, which added new complications. On the prevailing regional environment in this vital region of the world and on the regional and international efforts seeking to make the Korean peninsula a zone free of nuclear weapons.</p> <p>As for the strategic situation of North Korea, the military balance of power in Northeast Asia indicates its relative superiority in terms of comparison between countries in many traditional military capabilities. This situation guarantees North Korea its existence as a country without the need for nuclear capabilities. Its renunciation of nuclear weapons will give it the opportunity to obtain economic, political and security privileges that it desperately needs, more than what is achieved by its possession of nuclear weapons as an end in itself. Its nuclear ambitions are also hindered by restrictions and determinants, represented by its geopolitical location in the Northeast Asian region between Russia and China on the one hand .</p> <p>Key words: geostrategic, Geopolitic, strength Components.</p> 2024-01-28T08:31:46+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Academic reception of children's stories in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia an evaluation reading in two selected models 2024-01-28T09:21:54+00:00 أ.د. أبو المعاطي الرمادي <p>يحتاج المنجز النقدي إلى قراءات تقييمية وتقويمية تنهض به وتهذبه وتخلصه من الأحكام الانطباعية، وتقف على صحة مساراته، وسلامة مناهجه، وحيادية صاحبه، حتى يكون منجزًا خادمًا للنص الأدبي، وداعمًا لكاتبه. ولعل المنجز النقدي المعني بأدب الأطفال هو المنجز الأكثر حاجة إلى هذه القراءات؛ فمعظمه محصور في دائرة الدراسات النقدية التقليدية، وهي دراسات لم تسلم من مآخذ منهجية. تسعى هذه الدراسة إلى تقييم دراستين علميتين أكاديميتين اتخذتا من قصص الأطفال مدونة لهما. هما: "قصص الأطفال في نماذج من الأدب السعودي: دراسة فنية دلالية" لـ رباب النمر، و"الخطاب في قصص الأطفال السعودية .. دراسة نقدية" لـ عبد الله العمري، معتمدة على معطيات نقد النقد</p> 2024-01-28T08:33:35+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## عملية التأسيس السياسي للعراق الحديث وتأثير الحركات الوطنية 1958-2003م 2024-01-28T09:21:54+00:00 م.م. رغد جاسم حميد <p>إنّ الاستقرار السياسي في الوقت الحاضر أصبح من أهم التطلعات هذا ما تريده الدول والشعوب، لما يقدمه من نتائج إيجابية. على المجتمع وعلى الدولة معا، وعلى كافة المجالات ألاقتصاديه والاجتماعية والسياسية، وهذا الاستقرار لا يمكن أن يتم تحقيقه إلا بتكاتف المجتمع والدولة معا. فظاهرة عدم الاستقرار السياسي ترتبط بظاهرة العنف السياسي، فحين يحظى النظام السياسي ومؤسساته بالقبول المجتمعي والرضا فهذا يعنى غياب ظاهرة العنف وتحقيق الاستقرار السياسي. ومن هنا جاءت الدراسة حتى تستعرض أهم خطوات وآثار عدم الاستقرار السياسي بدولة العراق ، والتي أدت إلى التأسيس السياسي بالعراق الحديث، والتغيرات التي طرأت على العراق من العام 1958م حتى الاحتلال الامريكي 2003،&nbsp; تأثير التظاهرات الوطنية في العراق على التطور السياسي هناك..</p> 2024-01-28T08:35:02+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## دور التأسي بالقدوة في تعزيز الأسرة عبادياً على ضوء القرآن والسنة 2024-01-28T09:21:55+00:00 زينب يوسف أ. م. د. طاهر الغرباوي <p>إنّ الأسرة هي المكون الصغير للأسرة الكبيرة وهي المجتمع، ولذلك الترابط الأسري هو جزء مهم جداً من التفاعل الاجتماعي وهذا التفاعل الاجتماعي يولد حالة من عبادة الله تعالى، وقد رأينا في القرآن الكريم وفي كثير من سير الأنبياء أن الأنبياء كانوا يدعون الله تعالى لأن يرزقهم الأولاد ليعبدوا الله تعالى، فإذا كان الوالدُ قائداً ناجحاً للأسرة التي هو فيها فإن أولاده سوف يكونون مثله يعبدون الله تعالى بكل ما عُلّموا. وعلينا نحن أن نقتدي بالأنبياء جميعهم صلوات الله عليهم وأن نفعل ما كانوا يفعلونه وندعو الله أن يرزقنا الذرية الصالحة، وأن نربي أولادنا على تقوى الله تعالى وعلى عبادته وعلى كل الصفات والأخلاق الحميدة التي وجدناه عن رسل الله وأنبيائه. وتضمنت خطة العمل تقسيم البحث الى مقدمة وثلاثة مباحث وخاتمة تضمن المبحث الأول ترابط الأسرة في دعوة الله لرزقها اما المبحث الثاني فكان الترابط الأسرة يؤدي لدعوة الأهل لإقامة الشريعة فيما تضمن المبحث الثالث الاقتداء بالأنبياء في ترابطهم الأسري المؤدي لعبادة الله والبعد عن الفواحش</p> 2024-01-28T08:36:29+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## قراءة أسلوبية في قصيدة (سقطَ الإناءُ) للشاعر (نجاح العِرسان) 2024-01-28T09:21:55+00:00 م.د. منتظر عبد الحسين <p>يقوم هذا البحث على قراءة أسلوبية لقصيدة <strong>(سقط الإناء)</strong> للشاعر العراقي <strong>(نجاح العِرسان)</strong>، وفقًا لمعطيات تنبثق من النص وإليه؛ وتستند إلى معطى نظري يؤمن بأن الأسلوب هو النافذة المثلى التي يطّلّ منها الأديب - والشاعر بخاصّة - على متلقّيه، موظِّفًا كلّ ما أُتيح له من أصول الفن والموهبة، ليقدّم لنا تجربته الشعورية ورسالته الإنسانية، فالأدب قبل كلّ شيء هو أسلوب أو طريقة مختلفة في عرض الكلام، تختلف عن سائر الكلام الاعتيادي، ومن هذا المنطلق عكف البحث على قراءة القصيدة نصّيا عبر: عتبة العنوان وارتباطاتها الموضوعية بمتن القصيدة، ثم المستوى المعجمي عبر شبكة الحقول الدلالية المتضافرة في صناعة المعنى العام، ومن ثم المستوى الصوتي عبر هندسة فضاء الكتابة، والإيقاع الخارجي عبر الوزن والقافية، والداخلي عبر التكرار والتوازي، ومن ثم المستوى التركيبي وقفنا فيه على شعرية بناء الجملة الفعلية وهي الأوفر حضورًا ثم عرّجنا على الإسمية، وأخيرًا جاء المستوى الدلالي إذ وقفنا فيه على التناصّ المرجعي الذي تنوّع بين مرجعيات قرآنية ومرجعيات تاريخية فصلّنا القول فيها، ثم جاءت الخاتمة لتُجمل أبرز نتائج البحث</p> 2024-01-28T08:39:04+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## رذائل المسار الثوري في روايات ميخائيل بولغاكوف ونجيب محفوظ دراسة مقارنة 2024-01-28T09:21:55+00:00 ساجد كامل ياسين أ. د. حسين عبيد الشمرس هديل إسماعيل خليل <p>The novel relies on different and diverse references, including: historical, philosophical, religious, political, revolutionary, etc. The novelist relies on references to make them intellectual knowledge of the parts of a reference he chooses, or his preference for one over others, including choices including the personal writing service, and in a way that is commensurate with the topic he wants to present.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; When we shed light on the references of the two writers, we find a diversity between their references, including each of them having its own literary inspiration, to move from enlightenment towards novelistic creativity.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; After the revolutionary path, some of the contributors to politics were in the references of the writers Bulgakov and Naguib Mahfouz, as they both had several topics, some of which later created their novelistic creations</p> 2024-01-28T08:40:24+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Al-Amili's (Died in 1057A.H.) Preferential Objections to Al-Aini (Died in 855 A.H.): (A study of Syntactic Rulings) 2024-01-28T09:21:55+00:00 نزار بنيان شمكلي <p>The syntactic objection is considered as one stage of the stages of establishing grammar and the beginning of the dispute, and this stage came as a result of the knowledge development of Arabic language scholars; and their benefit from other sciences that have been deliberated and translated, which is not an easy stage; as it did not go through only by those who managed well from its linguistic tools, grammar and its significance were concentrated in his mind, especially since the language includes a great audio aspect; therefore, the comprehending of the text depends on the intellectual and logical explanation, as well as the audio maxim. Among the books that included objections to syntacticians was the book: (Explanation of the evidences of Ibn al-Nazim's explanation of Al- Alpheeyah) by Al-Sayied Al-Amili, which is the book in which we will deal with the objections that Al-Amili provided to Al-Aini, which includes preferential objections; these objections are made for a number of judgments, (the commonest, the soundest, the best, the first, and the tolerance, not as it should be, and mannered).</p> 2024-01-28T08:41:35+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Lexical function function 2024-01-28T09:21:56+00:00 إحسان فؤاد عباس <p>Al- ink wanted it to be used in the statement of lexical use, not the morphological use, or the grammatical use - which is customary in language books - in order to show it to the students its condition from the case of the two aforementioned uses. Noting this goal, two types of use were revealed :&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>The first: Install what is needed to build the lexicon when building it&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>The second: He rushed into what the lexicon conveyed to his reader&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp; The distance becomes wide between the two, although the acknowledgment of simplicity preceded the other in defining its lexical features; There is no access to what the reader derives from the lexicon except after stopping at what the author of the lexicon built</p> 2024-01-28T08:42:46+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The military institution’s contribution to the war strategy in Syria (1970-1978) 2024-01-28T09:21:56+00:00 رنا جبوري موسى <p><strong>Political stability at the present time has become one of the most important goals that countries and individuals seek, due to its positive effects on society and the state, as well as on all economic, social and political fields. This stability can only come through the collective commitment of society and the state. The practice of political insecurity is associated with the practice of political violence. When the political system and its institutions are recognized as legitimate by society, this implies the absence of violence and the attainment of political stability.. Hence, the study came to review the most important steps and repercussions that resulted from the political instability in the State of Iraq, which led to the political establishment of modern Iraq, the changes that occurred in Iraq from the year 1958 AD until the American occupation in 2003, and the impact of the national protest movements in political change in the State of Iraq</strong></p> 2024-01-28T08:44:46+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##