Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences <p><strong>Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences has been issued in 1991 by College of Arts- University of Al-Qadisiyah. The researches published in this journal are in fields of English (literature, linguistics, and methods of teaching), Arabic language (literature , linguistics, and methods of teaching) , studies in Archaeology, Geography, Psychology, Sociology, and History. The language of the journal is both Arabic and English with an English abstract for researches published in Arabic and the vice versa.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong></p> en-US <p><a href="" rel="license"><img src="/journalart/public/site/images/admin/pol1.png"></a><br>This work is licensed under a&nbsp;<a href="" rel="license">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License</a>.</p> <p>1. The Authors submitting a manuscript do so on the understanding that if accepted for publication, copyright of the article shall be assigned to Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities scinces (QJHS), University of Al-Qadisiyah as publisher of the journal.</p> <p>2. Copyright encompasses exclusive rights to reproduce and deliver the article in all form and media, including reprints, photographs, microfilms and any other similar reproductions, as well as translations. The reproduction of any part of this journal, its storage in databases and its transmission by any form or media, such as electronic, electrostatic and mechanical copies, photocopies, recordings, magnetic media, etc. , will be allowed only with a written permission from&nbsp; Al-Qadisiyah Journal of Humanities scinces (QJHS), University of Al-Qadisiyah.</p> <p>&nbsp;3. Al-Qadisiyah Journal of Humanities scinces (QJHS) , University of Al-Qadisiyah, the Editors and the Advisory International Editorial Board make every effort to ensure that no wrong or misleading data, opinions or statements be published in the journal. In any way, the contents of the articles and advertisements published in the journal Al-Qadisiyah Journal of Humanities scinces (QJHS), University of Al-Qadisiyah are sole and exclusive responsibility of their respective authors and advertisers.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> (Hind Ahmed al-Kurwy) (Monaf abd el-Ridha Yassin) Thu, 02 May 2024 07:32:36 +0000 OJS 60 The Qur’nic Elaboration in Abu al-Alla’ al-Ma’ry’s Book al-Fosool Wal al-Ghayat <p>Qur'anic is a mechanism adopted by the creator to diversify his stylistic tools, and it is one of the terms that have appeared recently, to denote the taking from the Holy Qur'an for the specificity of the noble text, and the first to suggest this term is Dr Mushtaq Abbas Maan.</p> <p>As one of the mechanisms used by the creator in shaping his creative texts in terms of visions and patterns, with structure and rhythm, according to the context of the Holy Qur’an.&nbsp; The Qur'anic was replaced by many terms, such as: quotation, implication, intertextuality, the Qur'anic intertextuality, or the Qur'anic effect, but the Qur'anic was a conciliatory terminology and applied with the conditions for developing and proposing the term.</p> <p>With what we will see of the pitfalls of those other terms.&nbsp; The study of the Qur’an in the book is one of the most effective evidences that clear up the charge with which Al-Ma’arri was accused.</p> <p>This study was revealed that Al -Maari did not exist the Qur’an and did not organize its pattern, and it was not a municipality for the Qur’an, but it was in the regard of the usage of the Qur’an and its meanings to facilitate the recipient of the strange, rare and brutal vocabulary</p> <p>The Qur'anic had an important presence in creativity and reception. From the point of view of creativity, Al-Ma'arri realized the nature of the strange vocabulary and that it does not join close linguistic fields. It was only from him that Qur'anic meanings were chosen for it to organize it.</p> <p>On the part of the recipient, Al-Ma'arri was interested in the aspect of receiving</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> نصير حسين جواد ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 02 May 2024 06:48:00 +0000 The Image of the woman in the poetry of Farooq Jowaidah : Wayabqa al-Hub as a representative example <p>Undoubtedly, women have been and continue to be a central fiqure in Arab poetry since its inception. Farouk Gweida is one of the prominent contemporary poets who delved into the theme of women, showcasing their multifaceted humanity. This is evident in his rich and fertile poetic output, where women are not just sensual fiqures but also play a larger role in his poetic and humanistic composition. Women in Farouk Gweida's Gweida's poetry represent a source of goodness, generosity, and a safe haven for the poet's soul amidst life's hardships and pains, alleviating his heart from worries and unpleasant experiences</p> بشرى عبد الرزاق وهيب ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 02 May 2024 06:48:46 +0000 Problems and suggestions in the Arabic grammar book for the sixth grade of middle school <p>This research highlights some of the methodological and stylistic problems that some of the subjects of the book (grammar of the Arabic language for the sixth grade) have in common. The research identifies the problem, discusses it and indicates its incorrectness, and then sets appropriate solutions for reformulating it in line with the methodology of the book</p> أمير عداوي ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 02 May 2024 06:51:40 +0000 To Achievement among Students of the College of Education, University of Al-Qadisiyah <p>The present study aims at identifying and knowing the level of logical thinking and its relationship to the students’ achievement according to the sex variable (males, females) and the specialization (scientific, human). To achieve the purposes of this study, 356 students (male and female) were chosen from the College of Education, University of Al-Qadisiyah for the academic year 2021-2022 to be the sample of the present study. To collect the data of the study, two instruments were used. The first one is a logical thinking test whereas the other one is an achieveme&nbsp; nt test . The t-test for two independent samples and the Pearson correlation coefficient were used. The stability of the two tools was found with retesting. The correlation coefficient for the logical thinking scale was (0.82) and the correlation value for the achievement&nbsp; test was achieveme nt test&nbsp; .&nbsp; was (0,80 ) . The results of the study revealed that there is a correlation between the level of logical thinking and students’ achievement. In the light of the results obtained, it is recommended to train students on the abilities of logical thinking by exposing them to situations that require the use of different types of thinking, and the interest in dealing with cognitive processes in general and logical thinking in particular through seminars conferences, workshops and educational programmes. indicated a number of recommendations, including conducting a study similar to the current study on other variables such as concept acquisition, cognitive preference, retention, and tendencies.</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> ميري عبد زيد ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 02 May 2024 06:53:05 +0000 The spirt of fomily belonging Works of Ibn Daraj al-Qastly <p>Andalusian Literature has been always a subject of interest to researchers to investigate and unveil its subjects and issues. A number of those researchers have been concerned with studying the brilliant names in the world of this literature. Nevertheless, Andalusian literature is still lacking serious studies that may show its real significance, its springs are still impatiently awaiting its companions. This is what instigated me to study an influential literary figure who occupied a high position in the horizons of Andalusian literature, but he unfortunately did not receive, as other figures received, the importance he deserved; he who is entitled as al-Mutanabbi of al-Andalus. He is Abu Omar Ahmed bin Mohammad Daraj al-Qastly whose poetic productions were analyzed by many sources and translated into different languages.&nbsp; Yet, much of his biography remained unknown, especially the first stage of his life. Thus, this research paper is entitled Family Affection in the Works of Ibn Daraj al-Qastly</p> خولة جبار ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 02 May 2024 06:54:08 +0000 Narrative of Sophist Narration <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The research stems from an important question about the narrative of Sufi narration, and the extent to which its texts differ, or their compatibility with the foundations of narrative theory and the terminological boundaries that enable us to analyze the narrative, and stand on its specificity, and the forms it adopts in its formulation, despite the breadth of the research circle and the difficulty of evaluation - describing that this The type of Arabic narration includes multiple goals and references, which may favor the Sufi idea more than its compatibility with the narrative base - however, the research identified more than one place that weakened or nullified the narrative, and left the field for subsequent studies, especially monitoring the shifts of the single narrative text through the times of those who composed in prose. mystic.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It was also observed in a section of the Sufi narrative, and it constituted a prominent phenomenon, the ineffectiveness of time and place, and the strengthening of the authority of the narrator and the author by introducing interventions and comments that are not needed by the narrative context, and other things that have been proven in the research pages.</p> عدنان رحمن ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 02 May 2024 06:56:30 +0000 Technique of Plotting Formation in Modern Novel: al-Kaferah as a representative example of development of Arabic Novel. <p>This research is an attempt to reveal the components of the modern contemporary novel, or what is called (the new novel), its eventual formation, and to identify the factors of its emergence and what distinguishes it from others.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;The human need for the novel to convey his experiences and feelings, which are among the innate needs, and he transfers this need to the outside world in various ways, and the event formation of the novel appeared at the beginning in the form of the specific story in the events, comprehensiveness, and photography and in the imaginary and imaginary topics, and then it appeared in the form of the novel in a non-specific capacity.&nbsp; In inclusion and events, its unrealistic themes were based on matters of the unseen and imaginary to satisfy its readers, and then it tended to talk about the facts of life to treat the human, psychological and social reality of the classic novel.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> م. م. سها رحيم ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 02 May 2024 06:57:01 +0000 Artistic Image Shift In Fragments of Islamic Poetry What was said about the Greatest Messenger PBUH <p>In the name of&nbsp; Allah the Merciful</p> <p>Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the most honorable of the prophets and the seal of the messengers, Aba al-Qasim Muhammad ibn Abdullah, our prophet and master (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family), and upon his good, pure, good, chosen family, and peace be upon him abundantly.</p> <p>&nbsp;...&nbsp; But after</p> <p>Supporting the Messenger (may God bless him and his family) with tongues and defending him and the new religion in responding to the Quraish poets is no less important than their support for him with the sword or in expressing the extent of their love for this religion, which qualified in their hearts as a color that expresses the conscience of the poet who was ridiculed by the Muslim poets. According to the principles of the Islamic religion.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The nature of the research required that it be divided into an introduction and four paragraphs. In the first paragraph, I talked about the metaphorical image, and in the second I talked about the metaphorical image. The third paragraph was about the metaphorical image. As for the share of the fourth paragraph, it was about the artistic image. Then I finished the research with a conclusion.</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> م.د. فاطمة الخزاعي ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 02 May 2024 06:57:47 +0000 Al-Nafiri’s monologues in his book (Speech and Silence) -A study on the characteristics of the style - <p>The research entitled (Al-Nafri’s monologues in his book (Speech and Silence)) presents a study of Al-Nafri’s monologues in his book (Speech and Silence) by Al-Nafri, searching for the characteristics of their textual style and their propaganda impact, and before that, a pause with the term (speech and silence) in explaining their nature, literary characteristics, and propaganda forms.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> مريم لفلوف ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 02 May 2024 06:59:02 +0000 Effective Rainfall and its effect on Hydrological activity of Naher-alTeeb vally east to Maissan governerate <p>A group of natural factors participate in the variation of the hydrological characteristics of the Al-Tayeb River Basin, including geology, topography and climate, which have their implications on the amount of water discharge of the river. Also, temperatures vary between summer and winter, and thus the thermal range has become very large, which affects the rain efficiency within the study area and its climatic characteristics that It became drier in the summer, lower relative humidity rates and higher evaporation rates in the study area compared to the amount of rain, which is reflected in the decrease in water discharge in rivers, including the Tayeb River &nbsp;,It was noted that the highest rate of monthly discharge for the study period (2007-2020) was recorded in May, when it reached 19.8% of the general runoff. Also, the wet year came with the highest monthly discharge and for the same month 56.1 of the annual runoff, while the highest amount of discharge was recorded for the medium and dry year. in January (39,2, 16,5), respectively</p> محمد حسين المنصوري ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 02 May 2024 06:59:48 +0000 The Realistic image in the poetry of Hadi Kamal el-Deen (died 1406 AH) <p>This research discusses the socialized pictorial dimensions in the poetry of ( Hadi Kamal AlDen ) Who died in 1406 AH .&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The research starts with introductory and six socialized dimensions and instance . Then , it finishes with a final summery and conclusion . The research has captured the socialized dimensions in the perspective of human nature happiness , sadness , place and time . We have noticed that the poet has created his diverse socialized pictures and an impact on the poetry related with socialization and reality . We have discussed conclusions and list of references in an alphabetic order&nbsp; .&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> مجيب عيدان ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 02 May 2024 07:00:26 +0000 Difficulties and Challenges Facing Graduate Students at the College of Education when Using the Automated Catalogs in the Central Library of Al-Qadisiyah University, Republic of Iraq An Exploratory Study <p>This study aims at identifying the difficulties and challenges faced by graduate students at the college of Education when using automated catalogs in the central library at Al-Qadisiyah University. To achieve this goal, the researcher used the analytical descriptive method to address the subject of the study, which allows the use of many methods, including the survey method to select the study sample and quantitative description, through a comprehensive survey of students' opinions. Moreover, statistical methods, comparison and description, and questionnaire are used to collect data from the study sample. The study sample included (102) graduate students at the college of Arts. The study used SPSS software to analyze the questionnaire data. The study came up with a number of results, the most important of which are the lack of availability of the internet to use the automated catalog, the lack of funding of maintenance or the development of the automated catalog, lack of information sources in the automated catalog, and the difficulty of accessing some sources during the search in the automated catalog</p> د. منصور عيدان ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 02 May 2024 07:01:01 +0000 Features of Thetales of One Thousand and One Night In world literature <p>This research seeks to address some of the critical studies that dealt with the impact of the tales of One Thousand and One Nights on foreign literature. The critical proposals of comparative literature were an approach to this research. The cognitive nature of literature began to emerge from the interconnection of human experiences in different societies, and comparative criticism as a&nbsp; A methodological tool that will enable us to extrapolate and cognitively control a literary reading and the relationship that links literatures together, especially since the literary production process adheres to systematic control if it wants cognitive visions to be on a less winding path.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The research focused on the literary value in the use of One Thousand and One Nights through three critical studies that dealt with the use of One Thousand and One Nights in other literatures. The use varied between imitation and influence, and varied at the level of social, historical and literary topics. The texts of One Night and One Night are rich and almost escape any cultural stereotyping.&nbsp; Limits their ability to move and employ</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> ضياء فاهم, ضياء فاهم, هيام عريعر ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 02 May 2024 07:01:33 +0000 The virtue of Commitment Among the Teens <p>The research aims to identify the virtue of commitment among Teens. To achieve the objectives of the research, the researcher built a scale of the virtue of commitment according to Erikson’s theory (1968). It consisted in its final form of (19) items, and after verifying its validity and stability and analyzing its items statistically on the research sample of (400) male and female Teens. They were selected randomly and in a proportional manner, and then the results of the research were extracted by analyzing the Teens’ answers. Using a set of statistical methods, the research concluded that Teens are characterized by the virtue of commitment, and there were no differences in the virtue of commitment among Teens according to the variables of gender and specialization. Based on the results that emerged from the research, the researcher developed a set of recommendations and proposals.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> لقاء عبد الخضر ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 02 May 2024 07:02:13 +0000 Spatial variation of light pollution in the city of Nasiriyah and Shatrah <p>Light pollution is one of the sources of pollution in the modern era, as modern technology has contributed to a qualitative breakthrough in the production of different types of lighting with multiple lighting capabilities used in multiple areas of life. The lack of optimal use of these lighting in accordance with healthy lighting standards has resulted in variation in the type of pollution and Severity in both the city of Nasiriyah and the city of Shatrah in Dhi Qar Governorate. This pollution was clearly evident in residential neighborhoods whose residents were characterized by having high incomes. In addition, the excessive use of lighting, the lack of health and environmental awareness, and weak supervision contributed to the entry of various types of artificial light sources on the one hand. On the other hand, weak lighting or its absence in some vital commercial streets would be considered light pollution due to insufficient light, which would cause distortion of the urban landscape of the city at night. In addition, this lack of light would cause pedestrians to be run over and run over. Car accidents, which result in economic waste and environmental pollution due to the lack of appropriate lighting.</p> حسين الحجيمي, نبراس الياسري ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 02 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A Reading in Tafseer Verses from Surat al-Waqea’ (Verses 1-26) <p>THIS SEARCH INCLUDES PRECIOUS SURA ON THE CONDITIONS OF THE DAY OF RESURRECTION, AND BE AT THE HANDS OF THE HORRORS AND DIVIDE PEOPLE INTO THREE COMMUNITIES(THOSE ON THE RIGHT, THE OWNERS OF THE NORTH, EX-). THE SEARCHER HAS SPOKEN SURA ON THE FATE OF EACH TEAM, AND WHAT ALLAAH HAS PREPARED FOR THEM FROM THE BOX JUST THE DAY OF JUDGMENT, AND ALSO ESTABLISHED EVIDENCE OF THE EXISTENCE OF GOD AND ONENESS, AND THE PERFECTION OF ITS ABILITY TO HIS WONDERFUL CREATION AND MADE, IN THE CREATION OF MAN, AND DIRECTED BY THE PLANT, AND TAKE DOWN THE WATER, AND DEPOSITED THE GOD OF POWER IN FIRE ... THEN THE QURAN NOTED THE GREAT MENTION, AND ITS REVELATION FROM THE LORD OF THE WORLDS, AND GETS AT THE HUMAN AGONY OF THE HARDSHIPS AND HORRORS. IT WAS CONCLUDED BY MENTIONING SURA THREE COMMUNITIES ARE THE PEOPLE OF HAPPINESS, AND THE PEOPLE MISERABLE, AND THE FORMER TO THE GOOD THINGS OF THE PEOPLE OF BLISS, AND SHOWED THE END OF EACH OF THEM, AND THAT WAS REFERRED TO IT AS STATED IN OR SURA'S OF THE TOTAL, AND PAY TRIBUTE TO THE REMEMBRANCE OF THE EXPLOITS OF THOSE CLOSE TO THE START AND CONCLUSION. HE OUTLINED THE BALANCE OF THAT SURA DESCRIBES THE RESURRECTION MAJOR WHICH SENT PEOPLE AND SELF-EMPLOYED AND THEIR</p> <p>REWARD, THEN REMEMBER THE FIRST THING OF THE HORRORS WHICH ALMOST HUMAN, LAND, HOME, KEEP IN MIND STIRRED WITH THE CONDITIONS AND CIRCUMSTANCES DOWNWARD, LIFTING, CONCUSSION LAND AND COME BACKING</p> <p>THE MOUNTAINS, AND DIVIDING PEOPLE INTO THREE PAIRS TOTAL, THEN REMEMBER WHAT ENDS THE CASE OF FORMER SPOUSES AND THOSE ON THE RIGHT AND THE OWNERS OF THE NORTH. THEN INVOKE THE OWNERS OF THE NORTH AND THE DENIERS OF HIS LORDSHIP SENT REJECTERS QURAN CALLING</p> <p>TO TAWHEED AND BELIEF IN THE RESURRECTION.THEN CONCLUDES SPEECH BY MENTIONING DEATH AND DYING REVELATION SPLIT PEOPLE INTO THREE PAIRS.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> حيدر خزعل ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 02 May 2024 07:04:27 +0000 The Theoretical Origins of Consensual Democracy and Its Application in Iraq A field study of the views of Academic Elites at the University of Wasit <p>The research focuses on the theoretical framework of consensual democracy and how it was applied in Iraq after the American occupation on 9 April 2003, and the crises and problems that accompanied its implementation, as consensual democracy is considered new to Iraqi society. The research sought, by adopting theoretical and applied methods, to answer several questions, including: What is consensual democracy? What are the theoretical foundations of consensual democracy? Are there social dimensions to implementing consensual democracy in Iraq? What are the views of academic elites on Iraq’s implementation of consociational democracy, as they are the group most capable of understanding reality and reading it objectively?</p> <p>The current research is descriptive and analytical in which the researchers used the social survey method through a questionnaire that was distributed to a proportional stratified sample consisting of (150) academic elites at the University of Wasit.</p> م.م. أسعد عبد اللطيف, أ.د. علي جواد ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 02 May 2024 07:06:14 +0000 The words indicating short women in al-Muhkam by Ibn Sayyidah, a study in light of the theory of semantic fields <p>The Arabs paid great attention to the attributes of things. They observed the attributes of things and created words for them that express these attributes and show the semantic differences in them. Among these attributes that the Arabs observed in ancient times is the attribute of shortness. The Arab began to use multiple words for the same thing in order to notice this attribute, and to examine these words and explain the differences. between them and the semantic development that occurred therein. This research came to monitor it in the al-Muhkam dictionary of Ibn Sayyidah, and took the theory of semantic fields as a path and method for it, and monitored the words of women This research came to monitor it in the al-Muhkam dictionary of Ibn Sayyidah, and took the theory of semantic fields as its path and method, and monitored the words of women that indicated the characteristic of shortness, so its title was ((The words indicating short women in al-Muhkam by Ibn Sayyidah, a study in light of the theory of semantic fields)), and it was We distributed these words according to semantic fields, so they were in two fields: (the field of words indicating the characteristic of shortness in a woman without being associated with another characteristic), and (the field of words indicating the characteristic of shortness in a woman while being associated with another characteristic). The two fields were divided into other small fields, The order of the two fields in the research was according to the abundance of words in them, We also followed this method in arranging the subfields, so that most of them presented at least two words, and we arranged the words in one field in alphabetical order according to the first words with abstraction. (There were forty words. The semantic development in some of them had an effect in coloring them with the meaning of shortness, and some of them were transferred to From the field of animals, especially animals that are characterized by shortness and smallness, to the field of humans (women) through simile methods.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> أ.م.د أسيل سامي, رضاب ناهض ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 02 May 2024 07:06:59 +0000 The Moroccan experience in combating drugs and psychotropic substances: a critical and suggested reading <p>The research provides Critical and suggested reading of the Moroccan experience in combating drugs and psychotropic substances, where the experience is evaluated in terms of the results achieved and the limits of success with regard to the area of ​​land cultivated with cannabis, the growing European demand and the increase in drug smuggling operations, as well as the alternatives offered to cannabis growers, as well as with regard to Addiction treatment and Moroccan criminal policy. The research concludes its topics by presenting a set of proposals and recommendations.</p> د. أنس بو سلام ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 02 May 2024 07:08:04 +0000 Escalating in Public Health reinforcing society and Man's Health <p>Improving public health, improving the level of community health status, and preserving the health of the population are among the major priorities assigned by the Ministry of Health at the national level. This is achieved by achieving comprehensive health for the individual, family, and community. Primary health care represents the first level and the basic entrance to the health system, and contributes to enhancing public health.&nbsp; Health advancement is the work aimed at combating communicable and non-communicable diseases and other threats to health through health care services that are characterized by their comprehensiveness, integration, and focus on the individual in order to form a healthy, fruitful society with global standards through increased focus on programs for early detection and treatment of diseases, and the development and implementation of policies.&nbsp; The public to encourage healthy lifestyles, through qualified and advanced work teams, and through the safe and optimal use of available capabilities, and with the active participation of society, as this helps to raise the level of health in society and reduce the incidence of infectious or non-communicable diseases and epidemics</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> صالح الدليمي, أ.د. بسمة رحمن ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 02 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The analysis of sector trends to develop mini industries in Qatha' al-Shamiyah <p>The research aims to demonstrate the efficiency of small industries in terms of economic efficiency, social efficiency, achieving economic activity, and integrating economic and social goals by relying on industrial standards, which are the added value, workers’ wages, industrial production requirements, and the value of industrial production in order to know the increase or decrease in the branches of food manufacturing industries. Textile, wood, paper, construction and metal, according to economic efficiency. It turned out that other unclassified industries occupied first place, reaching (31.2%) of the comparison scores. As for the food industries, they occupied an advanced position in terms of the social efficiency criterion, reaching (28%) of the total comparison points. As for the economic activity criterion, industries received The unclassified industries ranked first with a percentage of (72.7%) of the comparison scores. As for the general objectives, the unclassified industries achieved first place with a percentage of 35.8% of the total comparison scores.</p> د. رحمن رباط, حيدر سامي ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 02 May 2024 07:10:51 +0000 The role of philosophy in changing social reality <p>Philosophy in the moderndays Iraq needs to clarify its features, and match them with the origins of ancient philosophy, for the purpose of philosophical education in Iraq being consistent with the prestigious position that philosophical studies occupy in the Arab world, with the specificity of what emerges from the Iraqi mind in the logic of the relationship between philosophy and society. The government has stressed the importance of including philosophy in highscool and university education programs. Philosophy is about life principles that have relationships with human decisions, choices, daily lives and struggles. For this reason, we need to awaken the mind of society in the renaissance. All institutions of education, culture, and governmental and private institutions must begin the journey of revival. Construction begins with awakening the mind that has sunk in superstitious ideas from its slumber. We must also start from the human sciences, on the basis of which we can advance the philosophical mind, as we reach a Positive conclusion in the process of awakening the mind</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> رشا حميد ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 02 May 2024 07:11:30 +0000 The collection of al-Matahat al-Rewaeyah for Burhan al-Shawi <p>The importance of this study lies in focusing on time, which is an essential element that characterizes novel texts in general. This is because time is a template through which narrative events flow and overlap with each other at multiple levels of time, in addition to the symbolic and objective connotations that it embodies, which has made critics differ among themselves in defining its essence or form, to the point that it may be difficult for them to understand its various meanings. Due to the multiplicity of sources from which time derives its dimensions, so that it included all levels, whether intellectual, philosophical, social, and other dimensions and forms, the novel therefore represented a complex structure of varying time periods, which worked to give it credibility, and included important elements such as suspense, continuity, succession, and the rhythm of events. ; That is why the efforts of writers and novelists focused on mastering the techniques of narrative narration and dealing with the hierarchical chain of temporal values&nbsp;&nbsp; through its contradictions.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> أمير عدنان, أ.د محسن تركي ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 02 May 2024 07:12:19 +0000 Opposite dualities according to the psychological motive in the poetry of Safi al-Din al-Hilli (d. 750 AH) <p>The structure of opposition is one of the stylistic structures that enriches the poetic text with connotations, and the poet resorts to oppositional dualities when he wants to shed light on a specific topic that has an impact on himself and his emotions, so he conveys to us the experiences and contradictions in his life through opposition, and since poetry is a literary art that only emanates from feelings The poet only emanates from conscience and emotion, so he must have motives that encourage order and focus, and among these motived is the negative motive, as it is linked to the poet's psyche and its emotions. Psychological studies have emphasized the importance of studying the psyche of the writer and its relationship to the artistic work he presents, and the poet.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> أ.د ياسر الخالدي, منار حميد ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 02 May 2024 07:13:02 +0000 Social Time in Poet’s Poetry for ( 479-897 HA) <p>Poetry was linked to socity and its issuse just as poetry was lin<strong>ked </strong>to life and interacted with it sincerely. The most important thing that distinguishes Andalusian poetry is that the Valencian poets received this inheritance with passion and dealt with it with sanctity. Their poetry beionged to the social environment that gave birth to them, and it influenced them greatly, as poetry contributed to many developments. And the signs that accompanied the development of society. The people of Andalusia were known for a number of customs, traditions,and moral values.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Andalusian poetry worked to convey and document everything that Andalusian socity went through, portraying those values, customs and traditions with expressive images and honest feelings that cocial reality that Andalusia lives in, especially the city of Valencia.</p> أ.د ياسر الخالدي, رحاب سالم ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 02 May 2024 07:13:40 +0000 Psychological Analysis according to al-Ghazali <p>This study aims to explore the psychological analysis and understanding of the human psyche, as interpreted by the Islamic philosopher Al-Ghazali. In his works, Al-Ghazali sought to present a unique perspective on psychological analysis and cognitive thinking. The study examines factors influencing human behavior, promoting them through contemplation, reflection, and precise understanding, with the goal of achieving psychological balance. Despite the variance between Ghazali's psychological analysis and modern approaches, the research highlights Ghazali's focus on the internal perspective of the self and the exploration of its spiritual dimensions. Additionally, the study delves into the impact of Ghazali's ideas on subsequent works in psychology and philosophy, making them pivotal for contemporary studies.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> رغد حسن, زينة علي ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 02 May 2024 07:30:53 +0000 Interior and Exterior outlook in the nation's employees <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The current research aims to identify the essence and appearance of state employees, and to achieve the objectives of the current research, the researcher prepared a scale of essence and appearance according to the theory ((Fromm, 1989)). The scale consists of (30) items. The research sample consisted of (194) male and female employees after verifying the validity. Virtual and construct validity, and extracting the reliability of the scale with two re-test methods amounting to (0.87) and the reliability coefficient using the Cronbach alpha method reached (0.821). Using the statistical package (SPSS), the results of the current research found that state employees have a fundamental orientation, and based on the results of the research, a number of recommendations and proposals were made</p> أ.د زينة علي, مصطفى ناصر ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 02 May 2024 07:41:10 +0000 The Constructive Forms for Ironic Event in the Novels of Khudiar Flieh al-Zaidi <p>The event is the basic element that forms the backbone of the narrative elements in novelistic discourse, as it includes time, place, and characters. It is a series of developments related to a specific topic, reflects the perception of the character, reveals its various dimensions, and also works and reveals the struggle of other characters to give meaning and value to the story. The event includes A chronological sequence of a group of actions and events. The event is linked to a specific time and requires the presence of a specific place as well. The event develops with the development of the story. Everything in the fabric of the story serves the event. It depicts the event and works to develop it, so it becomes like a living organism with its own independent entity. Here we will discuss the three structural patterns: the sequential pattern, the circular pattern, and the inclusion pattern.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> ندم نعمة, أ.م.د ميثاق حسن ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 02 May 2024 07:46:42 +0000 Environmental Problem and public Health Deterioration – A Social Field research in AdDiwaniyah City. <p>Environmental problems are one of the topics that have received study and attention in all human societies and official and international bodies, due to the negative effects that environmental problems cause on the deterioration of public health and the spread of many diseases, as they cause the problem of environmental pollution, radioactive pollution, water and food pollution, and many other types of pollution. Among the diseases that cause deterioration in human health, we notice an increase in diseases that were caused by high temperatures, such as fever diseases, viral hepatitis, and other diseases, in addition to cancerous diseases, brain diseases, congenital malformations diseases, and other diseases, which led to the cooperation and solidarity of all international efforts from In order to preserve and care for the environment. In this research, the two researchers sought to identify the most important environmental problems, what are the most important reasons that lead to these problems, what are the effects of these problems on the individual and society, and develop solutions, proposals, and some recommendations that help in reducing these problems that cause the deterioration of the public health of the individual and pollution of the environment. The search results include the following:</p> <ul> <li class="show">The majority of respondents have a high level of education, and the level of education is a fundamental and important factor in achieving economic growth, and a high level of education makes individuals more capable and understanding of environmental problems.</li> <li class="show">Humans are one of the main factors in causing environmental problems, due to human misuse of the environment and the increase in population that leads to environmental deterioration.</li> <li class="show">Industrialization is one of the factors that lead to health and environmental problems, as manufacturing waste greatly affects the health of the individual, causing serious diseases and affecting the environment, as it contributes to polluting the environment with toxic substances.</li> </ul> <p>Opening w0rds- environmental problems-public health</p> م.د. هند ناظم, م. بشرى جلاوي ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 05 May 2024 09:31:44 +0000 The Ethics of Teaching: A Social Study <p>This study, entitled “The ethics of the teaching profession and its relationship to some social variables,” aims to know the relationship between the social variables represented (family upbringing, professional experience, gender, financial condition, scientific background, and social status) and the ethics of the teaching profession. The study relied on the social survey method and the historical and descriptive method. The questionnaire tool was used, and the study reached a set of conclusions, namely that the teacher has an important role in the educational process, as well as being interested in parents’ comments and taking into account individual differences between students. It was also concluded that the female teacher is more committed to the ethics of the teaching profession than the male teacher, and that the economic situation. has a major role. On the teacher’s performance towards his profession.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> إيناس سعودي, أ.م.د شذى نجاح ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 05 May 2024 10:02:18 +0000 Deviant behavior of juveniles in Iraq And the position of Iraqi legislation on it <p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Over the course of a century, Iraqi society has suffered from many crises, wars, and political fluctuations that have produced a situation, if not catastrophic, for Iraqi society in all areas of life. It has produced a society in crisis that looks at social reality with complete negativity, and this in turn has had a negative impact on the lives of individuals and their behavior with others, especially events. As they are the group most affected by the social atmosphere inside and outside the family that violates values, laws, and customs, which is called social deviation or deviant behavior.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Deviant behavior is anti-social behavior, and violates the accepted law in that society, and therefore, it deserves punishment, for two purposes: to deter the violator, and to protect others from those affected. This is the general concept of deviant behavior, which is adopted for adults, but for children it has a more transparent and precise character. Whoever runs away from home or from school, or offends people’s morals, or harms his health, or the health of others, is considered a deviant child, and the concepts of deviance differ. between one society and another, and are determined according to laws specific to each country&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>The research reached a set of conclusions, including</strong>;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>1-The technological revolution, which created modern means of communication, plays a major and significant role in transmitting ideas that oppose society’s values and laws, as well as transmitting criminal experience through imitation and learning&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>In light of the conclusions reached by the research, the researcher developed a set <strong>of recommendations, some of which we mention;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong></p> <p>1-Some social problems, such as poverty, disease, and the lack of adequate housing, have a negative impact on family life, and it is important to follow up on these problems through study, research, and finding appropriate solutions to them because they negatively and directly affect juveniles, and thus if these problems remain unsolved, they push them toward deviance and then into committing crime.</p> أ.م جاسم محمد, أ.م أمل عبد الحسن ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 19 May 2024 09:44:35 +0000 Conjunctive in Avoidance Verses in the Holy Quran: A textual study <p>Linking linguistic vocabulary and sentences in a single text is an important basis for forming structures in the Arabic language. Accordingly, links - of all kinds - gain their greatest importance, including the conjunction that is made by means of a group of letters that perform the function of linking parts of speech, and represents Thus, it is a linguistic indicator of the process of superficial interconnection at the text level, followed by moral interconnection, by connecting meanings to each other, linking parts of speech, and achieving benefit from it. Therefore, conjunction is one of the means of cohesion of the text. Because it works to strengthen the links between sequences of sentences in the text, and makes them coherent. Conjunction determines the way in which the elements of sentences and paragraphs are connected in an organized manner within the text so that the elements of the text become a cohesive unit.</p> أم.د تراث حاكم, م.م. فاطمة مشعل ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 19 May 2024 09:48:17 +0000 tawasue aleumraniu watharuh ealaa alarid alziraeiat fi aljanib aldaghara <p>This research aims to shed light on urban expansion and its impact on agricultural lands in the Daghara district, in view of the danger that threatens the population’s food and the future of agricultural production through urban sprawl and the devouring of fertile agricultural lands, which threatens the agricultural countryside and the future of agricultural production. The research relied on the descriptive approach in determining the geographical factors affecting it, as well as the analytical approach, according to which the geographical environment was analyzed with all its components and their impact on the emergence of the problem of expansion at the expense of agricultural lands. The research concluded that natural and human geographical factors have helped to increase this expansion, which It had a role in urban sprawl in all directions at the expense of large areas of food-producing agricultural land, namely the location, flat surface, good soil and water resources, and the natural population increase factor, which increased the demand for housing units, in addition to the economic and social factors. The research also found that The most significant phase of urbanization was in the 1980s, as well as the period following 2003, which is due to economic and social reasons, in addition to state policy, which had a negative role in increasing this expansion on agricultural lands.</p> أ.د حسين عذاب, م.د مناهل طالب ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 19 May 2024 09:48:53 +0000 Fatimat el-Zahra’ (Peace Be Upon Her) and Holy Quran <p>Divine power wanted to make a way for man to escape, and that is by holding onto the two weights, for there is a connection between them that will not cease until they see the basin.</p> <p>Their focus is Fatima Al-Zahra, peace be upon her. She received the Qur’an and its sciences at the place of revelation, so she heard it, memorized it, and followed it as a method for her life. So she ordered his command, ended his prohibition, and recommended it. It embodied the contents of the Qur’an which it contains (an explanation of everything).</p> <p>God honored the family of Muhammad and made them his proofs over his creation and made Al-Zahra’ a proof over them and all of his creation. She is a Qur’anic method and some</p> <p>The Prophet of Mercy and the Lady of the Women of the Worlds.</p> <p>The relationship between it and the Qur’ gave the most complete model of the ideal human being who was God’s successor on earth, so the angels prostrated to him and mocked him.</p> <p>He has his earth and his heavens. That's enough pride.</p> م.د. نادية سالم, أ.م.د ماجد مهدي ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 19 May 2024 09:49:29 +0000 Threatening sources in developing security awareness among citizens and its impact on societal security - an analytical study <p>The current study asks about indicators of threat’s sources, which form obstacles to develop security awareness among Iraqi citizens in order to understand these sources.</p> <p>&nbsp;The pivotal question here is: What are these threatened sources? What is its relationship with security awareness among citizens? and how are these sources reflected in negatively affecting societal security in Iraq? Therefore, the study relies on desk analysis as a methodological reference to examine the most prominent sources of threat, as stated in previous studies.</p> <p>The study concluded with a number of conclusions, the most notable of which are:</p> <p>Sources of threat, such as rumors and cyber hacking, are the most prominent sources in light of the massive digital development that the world is witnessing today, which is reflected in the habit of forming (trust - mistrust) between the citizen and state institutions.</p> يوسف صالح, أ.م.د حاتم راشد ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 19 May 2024 09:51:42 +0000 Words of angels in the book Christian Poets by Father Louis Sheikho (d. 1346 AH) (semantic study) <p>In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Praise be to God, the Lord of Glory, and peace be upon the Messengers, and may God’s blessings and peace be upon Muhammad and his pure family.</p> <p>I investigated this in studying a group of Julius’s words that I used in conferences on the poem (Poets of Christianity, which is a book of selections by Father Louis Sheikho the Jesuit (d. 1346 AH)), which was compiled by a group of people, including from the Christian poetry sect, as a number of the leader’s words were used in their poems, including the words of this The linguistic-semantic field, which is used to study it in the light linguistic analysis of the school, by relying on statistics and tracking of these words, the number of which has reached (8), It was classified and arranged in accordance with the linguistic approach, and read by observing its linguistic and usage phenomena from the phonetic, morphological, syntactic and lexical-semantic aspects, how this occurred in it and when it was possible for the linguistic phenomenon to be achieved in it, taking into account the contextual and positional use of it in the poem in which it was organized, according to the presentation of the Sufi sayings in each A single chapter of it by linguists in the light of heritage and modernity, in order to then come up with results to clarify the meaning from the dictionary to the end of usage, presenting this modest research with a methodological and definitional overview of its words, and then by mentioning the words, study and analysis, and after that with a conclusion of the most important results, supplementing it with meanings. Which was adopted in the study, we ask Him, Blessed be His name and glory be to Him, for success and payment. Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, and blessings be upon Muhammad and his infallible God.</p> أ.م.د حسام الياسري, زهراء مصطفى ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 19 May 2024 09:52:50 +0000 Human security and its relationship to human development Education quality index as a model) <p>The issue of quality education has become one of the important and necessary issues to advance development in the country, as it is considered a dimension of human development and a basic goal of sustainable development. It has great importance in all societies, whether rich or poor. Providing quality education is one of the important reasons for a person to enter into... The labor market is where knowledge, skill, and training are gained, allowing him to earn a living and improve his quality of life. Therefore, it is one of the conditions for achieving economic security, food security, personal security, and community security. Therefore, it is closely linked to human security through achieving its dimensions. Education alone is no longer sufficient to achieve human security. And human development. Educational systems must be of high quality and efficiency in order to be able to prepare generations capable of entering the labor market with strength and effectiveness and building a knowledge society to achieve the economic well-being of the country and provide security and stability for members of society.</p> <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;</p> زينب طارق, أ.م.د حمزة جواد ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 19 May 2024 09:53:32 +0000 The false consensus for prison inmates who commit moral crimes <p>The current research aims to identify the false consensus for the perpetrators of moral crimes among prison inmates, and the significance of statistical differences in the false consensus among the perpetrators of moral crimes according to (gender, marital status, type of crime). To achieve the objectives of the research, tools were required to measure false consensus, and after the researchers reviewed the studies The previous ones did not find the appropriate tool, so it was necessary to build a tool to measure false consensus, which consisted of (18) items and two alternatives. The research concluded that the research sample had false consensus to a high degree, and that there were no differences in false consensus among the perpetrators of moral crimes according to the gender variable. (Males, females). In addition, there is no statistically significant difference in false consensus according to the marital status variable, and there are no statistically significant differences in false consensus according to the type of crime.</p> أ.د. نغم هادي, نبيل نوير ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 19 May 2024 09:54:24 +0000 The critical perspective of the postmodern trend in sociology. An analytical study of Anthony Giddens's criticisms of the postmodern trend <p>One of the important and main objectives of the research is to provide a critical reading of the post-modernism trend, which is one of the important theoretical trends in sociology,&nbsp; and what Anthony Giddens has exerted of intellectual and philosophical efforts and the critical attempts he has made towards the post-modernist trend, despite his formal affiliation to this trend. He has taken a pragmatic path through which he aspires to interpret and analyze the form of current social life with an unprecedented critical eye</p> أ.م. نصير محسن, أ.د ثناء محمد ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 19 May 2024 09:55:20 +0000 Cinematography in the contemporary novel with the technique of description, The novel Jassim and Julia by Zaid the Martyr is an example <p>The success of working in cinematography is the most important thing that can be expected of the new novel, as a large number of writers in the world have diversified, and for this reason or resistance, including Balzac the Great, which employed the descriptive element, its motives and types, to be like the lens of a camera that makes the recipient watch the showing of a cinematic film. Because of its ability, talent, and creativity in exploiting aerial and rhetorical images and verbal enhancements, to bring reality closer to reality with the smallest details, all the way to convincing readers that the cinematic narrative language presented to them through the lens of real photography and documentation;</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; What creates a collusion between the writer and the recipient to believe what is narrated and treat it as reality, and this is what many writers are asked by their readers: Is what was written from their real daily experiences or is it the product of their ideas? Given what the novel “Jassem and Julia” is filled with&nbsp;&nbsp; By the Iraqi novelist Zaid Al-Shahid,&nbsp;&nbsp; from Cinematic Depictions Through the Technology of Description. We tried to address these film scenes according to our limited point of view, and to analyze them after we divided our research into two sections: the first of which dealt with an introductory overview of cinematography and descriptive photography and the difference between them. The second section was an analysis of some of the descriptive film scenes that our lens observed, followed by the findings of the study, then a list of sources and references. God is the best of success.</p> أ.م.د واثق الحسناوي ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 19 May 2024 09:55:53 +0000 Feminist labour in the Directory of Aluthanna Governorate <p>The research aims to study the female workforce in the education of Al-Muthanna Governorate for the year (2020 AD), and based on that, reliance was placed on the descriptive and analytical approaches, and on the data of the Directorate of Education in Al-Muthanna, Statistics Division, for the purpose of identifying the size and distribution of the female workforce and the extent of its effective participation in the education of Al-Muthanna Governorate. Explaining some of their demographic and social characteristics, as well as knowing the factors that affect the size, distribution, and performance of the female workforce. In order to give a clear and accurate picture of the female workforce in education in Muthanna Governorate.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The researchers reached a set of results, the most important of which are: The vast majority of the female workforce is concentrated in the Samawah District, as its number reached (823), equivalent to (47.2%) of the total female workforce in Muthanna Education, and this is attributed to the high rate of population growth. There is a high level of education, and therefore most females continue studying until graduation, in addition to the high level of urbanization, and the entry of women into the labor market for the purpose of helping men provide the family’s necessities. Social factors have a major role in determining female participation in the labor force, through the control of some social customs and traditions that view women as having their place in the home and raising children, and that they do not have the right to participate in work and associate with men. However, the influence of these factors has decreased recently as a result of social and economic changes. The female workforce in education in Muthanna Governorate is increasing within the age groups (49 and under) in all administrative units due to the economic and social changes that have occurred, and the majority of the female workforce is directed to engage in the field of education. It appeared that the vast majority of the female workforce hold a bachelor’s degree in all administrative units in Muthanna Governorate, due to the ease of obtaining it compared to higher degrees that require additional money, time and effort.</p> أ.م.د شاكر عواد, أ.م.د أحمد حسن ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 19 May 2024 09:56:36 +0000 Distortion of religious perception among inmates sentenced according to Article (4) is terrorism <p>The research aims to identifythe distortion of religious perception among inmates sentenced in accordance with Article (4) of terrorism. To achieve the objectives of the research, the researcher built a scale to measure the distortion of religious perception according to the theory of (Beak (1967). It ultimately consisted of (29) items, after verifying its validity and reliability and analyzing its items. Statistically, the research sample of (400) inmates sentenced in accordance with Article (4) of terrorism were selected randomly and in a proportional manner, and then the results of the research were extracted by analyzing the inmates’ answersUsing a set of statistical methods, the research reached a number of results, which were that inmates are characterized by distorted religious perception, and that there is no difference between inmates in distorted perception according to the variable of age, while there is a difference between inmates in distorted perception according to marital status and in favor of married people, and accordingly Based on the results that emerged from the research, the researchers developed a set of recommendations and proposals.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> أ.د. أحمد عبد الكاظم, مظفر حسن ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 19 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A geographical analysis of agricultural services and their impact on wheat production in Al-Hamza district (A study in the geography of services) <p>The study aims to identify the types of agricultural services provided by the agricultural departments and agricultural divisions in the Al-Hamza district. The field study was used through personal interviews with the directors of the agricultural departments and a number of farmers in the study area to identify the most important problems and obstacles facing the agricultural sector in cultivating the wheat crop in the district.</p> <p>The study revealed the weakness of agricultural services provided to farmers. The research included a comprehensive introduction and three sections. The first section dealt with studying the types of agricultural services in Al-Hamzah District, while the second section was concerned with studying the reality of wheat crop cultivation in Al-Hamzah District, and the third section was concerned with studying the problems facing agricultural services in Al-Hamzah District. The study ended with a set of conclusions and proposals. The most important of which is opening training courses for employees in agricultural departments, educating them, paying attention to research and scientific studies presented by researchers, as well as working to encourage farmers to farm, providing interest-free agricultural advances and grants, as well as providing seeds, fertilizers and fertilizers to farmers, and working to encourage agriculture</p> أ.م.د خلود علي ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 19 May 2024 10:00:12 +0000 The negative effects of the spread of begging among children in the city of Diwaniyah (Study in social geography) <p>The research aims to study the most important effects of the phenomenon of child begging in the city of Diwaniyah, represented by the social effects, most notably drug abuse by some begging children in the city and thus addiction to it, as well as studying the economic effects represented by inactivity, laziness, and lack of work, as well as the psychological effects represented by marginalization, neglect, and others. Relying on the field study by distributing a questionnaire randomly to some beggars due to the difficulty of counting and selecting a sample for study. The highest percentage of them was in the neighborhoods of (Al-Nahda, Al-Wahda, Al-Saray, Al-Sadiq Al-Awwal, Al-Sina’a, and Al-Furat) and reached respectively (5.1%, 5.1%, 5.1%, 6.8%, 8.1%, 8.6%. As for the lowest rate of begging, it was concentrated in the Al-Zawraa neighborhood (1.7%) Most of the beggars are Roma in the first place, then displaced people in the second place. The research proposed several proposals, the most important of which is activating the role of civil society institutions in material and moral support to take care of this phenomenon, with the need to activate its supervisory role by following up on working children and beggars. And activating the role of social care to support the families of begging children. As well as the role of the media in reducing the spread of the phenomenon of children begging in the city, as it indicates the poor condition of society, which is an unacceptable phenomenon. As well as its role in educating children and youth about the danger of drug abuse and its enormous harm to society and the family.</p> أ.د صبرية علي ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 19 May 2024 10:01:06 +0000 The effect of imaginative writing strategy in developing creative thinking in third year secondary students in history <p>The research aimed to identify (<strong>The effect of the imaginative writing strategy in developing creative thinking skills among third-year intermediate school students in history</strong>). The two researchers chose an experimental design with partial control, and two academic sections of the school were randomly selected, one of which was for the experimental group, section (B), with a ratio of (30) One female student, and the other was a control group, Division (A), with (30) female students. The two researchers conducted parity between the female students of the two research groups in several variables, namely (chronological age calculated in months, grades in the history subject for the previous academic year 2023-2024 AD, intelligence level, and the pre-creative thinking test). The two researchers relied on The Torrance test for creative thinking prepared by Khairallah (1981). The psychometric properties were extracted from the tool’s validity and reliability. The researchers used appropriate statistical methods, including the t-test for two independent samples to process the data. The results of the study showed the superiority of the experimental group in the creative thinking test over the control group. The researchers recommended With several recommendations, including relying on the imaginative writing strategy in teaching social subjects at different academic levels, and suggestions for future studies</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> م.م فاطمة عطية, م.م سناء عبد الأمير ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 19 May 2024 10:01:43 +0000 Post-Global Society <p>Postmodern philosophy is a tool for demolition, undermining, and deconstruction that works hard to liberate man from the central categories that controlled Western culture and free him from Western mythology based on domination, exploitation, alienation, stereotyping, and approximation. This is done by arming himself with a set of intellectual and methodological mechanisms, such as questioning Western cultural institutions and exposing... Its ideological delusions and the exposure of its oppressive discourses based on authority, violence and force.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; As for its defects, they are absurd, chaotic, nihilistic, and subversive. They contribute to the establishment of authoritarian and oppressive regimes and make man an absurd, chaotic, worthless being in this universe who lives a life of alienation, anomaly, sarcasm, and paradox in this lost world.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; After this theoretical approach with post-modernism, I address the context of the nature of society after globalization, which represents a more distinguished and advanced evolutionary stage in its technical innovations that serve modern man after he acquired the characteristics of globalization (which we mentioned in the previous chapter), which led to a negative reaction to it and another developed to it. Meaning, this stage - post-globalization and modernity - was not identical to globalization and modernity or an extension of it. Rather, at times it was the path of upward vertical development according to its developed interests, and at other times it took the path of the opposite direction according to its affected interests, and at other times it took the path of liberation, independence, and so on.</p> أ.د معن خليل العمر ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 19 May 2024 10:03:23 +0000 Cyberchondria among clinic patients outpatients in hospitals <p>associated with technological development, as a person suffers from excessive searching for a very long period of time on the Internet, which may result in some effects on the psychological state and negative feelings on the soul. The current research also aims to identify cyberchondria among patients attending outpatient clinics in hospitals and the significance of the differences between individuals according to the variables of gender (males, females) and educational qualification (high school and above, middle school and below). To achieve the goals, the two researchers adopted the Starcevic &amp; Berle scale Starcevic &amp; )Berle, 2013, translated by Al-Baydani (2022),which consists of 28 items. The psychometric properties of validity and reliability were extracted using appropriate statistical methods, according to the descriptive approach. The current research was limited to visitors to outpatient clinics in hospitals. Accordingly, the two researchers sought to apply the scale to a purposive sample of visitors to Al-Diwaniyah Teaching Hospital, with100(50) visitors and&nbsp; males and(50) females. The results of the current research showed that visitors to outpatient clinics in hospitals have cyberchondria and may The research came out with a set of recommendations and proposals .</p> م.د زينة نزار, آلاء جاسم ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 19 May 2024 10:03:57 +0000 Attitude Iraqi University Youth of the role Iraqi channel in Promoting The Sense of Citizenship <p>Attitude of the Iraqi Media Organizations in Promoting The Sense of Citizenship among Iraqi University Youth</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; There are significant differences between the study sample Ahsaúba according to gender (male / female) to identify the role of the Iraqi media organizations in promoting a sense of citizenship through dimensional (belonging to the homeland, legal, political, economic, social, cultural).</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; There are statistically significant differences between the study sample according to specialization academic (Humanist my knowledge) to identify the role of the Iraqi media organizations in promoting a sense of citizenship through dimensional (belonging to the homeland, legal, political, economic, social, cultural).</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Is there a statistically significant correlation between the intensity of exposure to Iraqi media (read, listen, watch, surf), and follow-up issues of citizenship by the study sample</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> أ.د محمد حسين علوان ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 19 May 2024 10:04:29 +0000 Al- Quran Reception in the Inspiration Age Astudy in the light of H. R. Yauss' Reader – Responce Theory <p>The historical context of the revelation of the Qur'an necessitated a reading of the event based on the theory of reception according to Hans Robert Jauss. The revolutionary nature of the text and the reactions that accompanied its revelation revealed the state of its supporters and opponents, as the two lived in a state of reception of the text that could be said to be a state of submission or defiance, so a state emerged. The supporter state of submission to the text appeared, believing in its divine source, relying on an act of perception that did not care about the state of the perceiving, in addition to the ritual reading of the text, which obscured some of the foundations of his understanding. In while the opposing recipient rushed out and tried to demolish the revolutionary structure of the text, relying on his aesthetic perception in the form of an illusion that produced a perception of the similarity of that text to other texts in his culture, so it was said that the text was poetry, sang a soothsayer and that it should be returned this text to their textual culture circle. Others temporize and were not led into the state of illusion created by the act of receiving, as they abandoned defining it as a type, relying on the effect it had on its recipients. It was said about it that it was magic to escape its definition and to urge people not to listen to it.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> م.د عبد الأمير عباس ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 19 May 2024 10:04:57 +0000 Personal meaning and its correlation of teachers religious orientation <p>Personal meaning represents one of the variables affecting the personality and behavior of a person, his mental health and his relationships with others. Despite its importance, it is affected and may affect other variables, including religious orientation that represent a reflection of the individual's understanding of religion and the way he practices his religious beliefs. Both variables and the relationship between them represent an important topic for scientific research, especially among teachers in Iraqi society. Therefore, the current research seeks to known the personal meaning&nbsp; , the religious orientation&nbsp; ,the correlation between personal meaning and religious orientation of teachers. To achieve the aims of the research, the researcher worked on adopting the personal meaning scale of Wong, approved by Odeh (2020), which consisted in its final form of 54 items, as well as preparing the scale of religious orientation , which in its final form consisted of 23 items, 11 of which measure the Intrinsic religious orientation. And the other 12 items measure the Extrinsic religious orientation. After verifying the availability of the two scales on the psychometric characteristics required to be available in the psychological scales , the two scales were applied to the research sample of (400) male and female teachers, they were chosen using the simple random sampling method, and after correcting the forms of the two scales and using the appropriate statistical methods using the Statistical bag for social sciences&nbsp; SPSS , The results of the research showed that teachers enjoy personal meaning, and they tend to adopt a intrinsic&nbsp; religious orientation, and there is no relationship between personal meaning and religious orientation among teachers. In light of the above results, the research came out with a set of recommendations and proposals.</p> أ.م.د سلام هاشم, م.م. فاضل أسود ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 19 May 2024 10:05:32 +0000 Textual harmony in the rulings and commandments of the book “Lubab al-Adab” by Usama bin Munqidh (d. 584 AH) <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The harmony that will be achieved in this research in the rule of the book “Lubab al-Adab” by Osama bin Munqidh achieved the advantage of an unspoken indications which sections and phrases are connected, in which and the harmony of texts and collect their separated parts, without formal tools, in explaining the scientific ability and cognitive energy that Osama bin Munqidh has, through checking&nbsp; the rules and texts in his book.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The research explained the concept of harmony according to the ancients and moderns, to prove the existence of that standards in the ancient rhetorical lesson, even if it is not at the rules set by modern&nbsp; scholars, but it&nbsp; indicates that the ancient Arab researchers&nbsp; gave attention to the general rule of the modern idea of harmony, and emphasized the grammatical characteristic, intellectual, and moral of that standard.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The research achieved a detailed comparison between the meaning of plots&nbsp; (harmony) in the ancient Arabic lesson, and the modern lesson, then differentiated between the opinions of modern, Arabs and Westerners, to achieve correct investigation and analysis, defending The ancient heritage text, through modernity, before creativity in putting structures of his thoughts.</p> سليم محمد, أ.د. حسين الشمري ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 19 May 2024 10:39:15 +0000 Interactions of the Gulf regional system in modernizing Iraqi society (2005 – 2023) <p>The Gulf regional system occupies a distinguished position within the list of competing powers in the interactions of the Arab regional system, as it possesses strength and capacity due to the Gulf oil wealth and the shifts in the balance of power that the Arab regional system witnessed, especially Iraq, starting with the Gulf War and the emergence of the urgent need to form an international coalition to remove the Iraqi forces from Kuwait, and the threat The great change in civil peace, whether through the influence of the political or military factor in society, which emerges from the form of the political system and the existing elite. From 2005 until 2023, major changes occurred in the Iraqi political system, relying on the democratic system based on elections and party pluralism, and these changes were reflected in the general situation in In Iraq, the media played an essential role in the political system and strongly influenced the course of social and political life during changes, whether negative or positive.</p> د. حنان فاهم ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 19 May 2024 11:04:24 +0000 Social services of the security institution and its role in building peace and social security A field study in Wasit Governorate <p>The research entitled (Social services of the security institution and its role in building peace and social security) This research comes to shed light on an important aspect of the many aspects and accompanying components resulting from the social reality that society is going through and the impressions and developments that can be reflected among the components of Iraqi society through... Explaining the nature of the relationship between the security institution and the citizen and the most important services provided by them. It is an introduction to studying the factors that affect the nature of the relationship between the security services and socialization institutions. “The process of providing social services by security institutions of all kinds occupies great importance in the life of human societies because of their It has a prominent role in the cohesion and continuity of these societies, as well as the possibility of directing the processes of social change in them in positive directions at the level of the social institutions that make up the social structure. This process of profiling or formation is carried out through security sources that are provided to society, especially that ready-made knowledge that finds listening ears from members of society, using the analytical method to reach facts and conclusions, including:</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>1- The security service for society is important and necessary, and no individual can dispense with this service. If we theoretically imagine individuals dispensing with this need, it is easy to dispense with the police force.</p> <p>2- We conclude from this that the security services must be ready and able to provide the security service to all individuals in their various locations, at all times and circumstances. If they are unable or incapable of doing so, it becomes necessary to seek the help of other security agencies to provide this service.</p> <ol start="3"> <li class="show">3. The security services have a major role in activating means of communication between the security services on the one hand and citizens on the other, and pushing them to adhere to the instructions and regulations that guarantee human security and safety in various fields and guiding them to the methods that must be followed to protect their lives, children, and money from the dangers of crime and the dangers of ignorance of safety methods. the public</li> </ol> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> جاسم محمد, أ.م.د مؤيد فاهم ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 19 May 2024 11:04:59 +0000 The role of private education in enhancing class differences A comparative study between public and private education in Al-Hamza District <p>The educational institution in society carries out great tasks, thus attention must be paid to this institution and there must be attempts to find solutions to educational problems Therefore, this study discussed&nbsp;&nbsp; the issue of education through conduction&nbsp; a comparison between public education and private education. &nbsp;The purpose of this comparison is to indicate&nbsp; the role of private education in enhancing class differences, identifying the considerations that parents take into account when their children join&nbsp; private schools, identifying its advantages and its positive and advanced program, and identifying indicators of weakness in public schools that lead&nbsp; parents to stay away from it, despite the free education there.</p> حليم عبد الكاظم, أ.م. د. مؤيد فاهم ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 19 May 2024 11:05:29 +0000 Synoptic analysis of days of extreme minimum temperatures due to the variation of pressure systems at the levels of 1000 and 850 millibars in the Baghdad station. <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Extremism is the amount of change in climate elements that is less than the lower limit of the general rate and more than the upper limit of moderation, meaning that the values of the phenomenon fluctuate around the general rates or close to them, as the study detected daily thermally extreme days during the year 2020 over the months of the year and for the minimum temperature (Cold extreme days) at the Baghdad climate station. Just as the pressure systems varied in their strength or shallowness in each case, the researcher found a variation in the number of days (cases) of thermal extremes during one month, with one day being unique in recording the highest or lowest extreme values according to the depressions prevailing in its atmosphere. Or atmospheric highs, as the lowest extreme values in the cold days during the month of February became apparent on the twelfth day of the month at a rate of (-3.4) °C as a result of the European high’s concentration at the surface level of 1000 millibars above the city of Baghdad and its deepening in the pressure level of 850 millibars, which caused a decrease (extreme). It is clear in the minimum temperature rates for that day, followed by the cold thermal extreme on the twenty-sixth day of December by (-0.5) °C The reason for this is attributed to the dominance of the Siberian-Eurasian high above the surface and the deepening of its influence at the upper level of 850 millibars if the polar characteristics that it carries contribute. Effective in reducing and extreme minimum temperature for that day.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; We relied on the daily temperature averages at the Baghdad station issued by the General Authority for Meteorology and Seismic Monitoring, Climate Section, as well as using the interpretation of the daily weather map received from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for each day of extremes to trace the climatic reason behind the occurrence. Thermal extremes of minimum temperature.</p> أ.م. د. علياء معطي ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 19 May 2024 11:06:06 +0000 The change in wetness average and its relation to rainfall in Iraq <p>This research addressed the interest in the size of relative humidity rates (%) and the extent of the relationship of the decrease in moisture content to the change in rainfall values (mm) in Iraq. The study included eight climate stations distributed over the study area in a way that includes all its edges and a study of the change in relative humidity rates. Rainfall was estimated by dividing the research into three climatic cycles, the first extending between (1985-1996), the second extending to (1997-2008), and the third (2009-2020). It became clear that the relative humidity recorded its highest percentage during the first cycle, which reached (56 %) is followed by the second cycle with a rate of (53%), while the third cycle came with the lowest percentage of humidity, amounting to (51%). With regard to the general trend of relative humidity, there was a decrease in all study stations with a clear variation in the values of the correlation coefficient between one station and another. As for precipitation Al-Matari recorded the highest rainfall total during the first session, amounting to (1970.8 mm), followed by the second session with a total amount of rain amounting to (1357.3 mm), and the lowest rainfall value recorded in the third session, amounting to (1143.5 mm), and spatially, Mosul station recorded the highest rainfall total during the three cycles, amounting to (5027.2 mm) for the first cycle, (3801.3 mm) for the second cycle, and (3147.6 mm) for the third cycle. As for the general trend of rainfall, it also became clear that it was heading towards a decrease at all study stations and for all climatic cycles. As for the correlation relationship, it became clear that the decrease in rates Humidity and its general trend towards decrease is largely due to the lack of rainfall, as evidenced by the direct correlation, which was revealed by applying the Pearson equation, with the degree of the relationship varying from moderate to strong.</p> م.م مصطفى فلاح, م.م علا لطفي ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 22 May 2024 08:28:01 +0000 Cartographic representation of the characteristics of the population in Diwaniya district using GIS <p>The research aims to prepare digital maps of the characteristics of the population in Diwaniyah district with the best methods and means The caterographic used based on GIS technology, in order to show the spatial contrast of these characteristics. The research was based on the ARC GIS program 10.3 in the preparation of maps of population characteristics and their representation in elimination using three methods of cartographic representation methods: the point method, the method of graph maps, and the method of gradation. The research found that the two methods of graph maps and the method of cadastral gradation are among the most widely used and aware methods of map representation in population maps. The research showed that there is a spatial variation in the characteristics of the population between the aspects of the study area for the year 2023.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> م.م.أحمد فاضل ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 22 May 2024 08:29:02 +0000 Coping self-efficacy and its relation to psychological health among Students of the Preparatory Stage <p>The following research aims to identify the coping self-efficacy and psychological health among students according to the gender, as well as the correlation between coping self-efficacy and psychological health. The sample is consisted of (373) students of the preparatory stage schools in government of Babylon city, in the course of study (2023-2024). To achieve aims, the researchers used the coping self-efficacy scale constructed by Chesney et al. (2003) which consist of (24) items, and the psychological health scale constructed by AL- Mabrouk (2019) which consist of (20) items, It was applied on a sample and making use of statistic package of social sciences (SPSS). The findings were as follows:&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; There are statistical difference at (0.05) level according to gender in coping self-efficacy and psychological health. There are positive correlation between coping self-efficacy and psychological health. Depending on these results, the researchers states some recommendations and suggestions</p> م. د. صالح محمد, م. د. حيدر كاظم ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 22 May 2024 08:29:40 +0000 Geographical Potential for establishing awaste recycling industry in AL-Qadisiyal Governorate <p>Industry is one of the modern elements of economic development that is relied upon in various countries of the world to address the problem of unemployment and the import of consumer goods in particular. As a result of economic and social variables, the consumption process has increased, offset by the lack of serious thinking about the optimal use of local resources in some developing countries. Therefore, the research aims to highlight the importance of solid waste recycling in Al-Qadisiyah Governorate, whose size varies spatially and temporally from one region to another within the districts of the governorate according to the numbers of residents and their standard of living and social as well as the variation in the economic level of the state. The first rank was the total solid waste of all kinds, amounting to (4671) tons annually, while the second was the Hamzah district, which amounted to (45435) tons of total solid waste.17565 tons of total solid waste for the year2022. Solid waste constitutes an environmental problem in itself because it leads to environmental pollution, if it is not recycled and utilized instead of being thrown randomly, as is the case with us now, where garbage is thrown on the sides and edges of the main roads. And subsidiary, as well as in agricultural lands, or to be transported to a public landfill for garbage to be collected and then buried without treatment. Some countries have resorted to using modern technical methods to benefit from solid waste, considering this study is necessary in achieving the dimensions of sustainable development in the field of solid waste recycling and shedding The light on the accumulation of this solid waste in the environment and society, this study has highlighted that the management of solid waste recycling in scientific ways and advanced methods are of great importance to the local economy, that the waste recycling process contributes significantly to achieving social and environmental balance and contributing to the achievement of economic resources, that Advanced management of solid waste using scientific methods for its treatment and advanced technology for its recycling.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> أ.د. رحمن رباط ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 22 May 2024 08:30:13 +0000 Components of advertising speech in Al-Maidani’s Proverbs Complex <p>Arabic proverbs celebrate advertising as an intentional, conscious activity, and an interactive communicative event, with specific connotations and declared and undeclared goals, which internalize the visions and ideas of advertisers, and reveal their abilities in how to manage the advertising process through the components of this discourse that are advertising-oriented, and to pursue the dimensions and advertising objectives inherent in it.&nbsp; Shedding light on it and bringing it to the public by researching the method adopted by the Arabs in promoting their ideas, visions, needs, aspirations and goods, examining the most famous means and methods that they employed in practicing advertising work, and identifying the extent of the effectiveness of advertising discourse in the process of communicating with others.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The Arabic proverbs in the book “Majma’ al-Athlam” by Al-Maidani represented a fertile field for manifestations of advertising discourse and its components, in a way that tempts researchers to look at them and clarify their aspects, which is what the research will try to reveal and their effects on the recipient as a pillar of the communicative process. The researcher chose the book “Majma’ al-Proverbs.”&nbsp; For the field to be his area of ​​work, and raw material for studying these components.</p> أ.م.د. سالم جمعة, حيدر علي سلمان ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 22 May 2024 08:31:53 +0000 Creativity of Educational Counselors the Counseling <p>The current research aims to identify the counseling creativity of educational counselors, and to identify the statistically significant difference in the counseling creativity of educational counselors according to gender variables (males - females), and years of service from (1-10) (10-20), the research sample consisted of (250) counselors and counselors, by (163) counselors by (65%) ), and (87) counselors by (35%) according to the gender variable, and (102) counselors from (1-10) years by (41%) and (148) counselors from (11 years and over) by (59%), the security of educational counselors General Directorate of Education of Dhi Qar Governorate (2023-2024), selected by stratified random method, the researcher adopted a scale (Al-Jumaili, 2022) to measure the concept of guiding creativity, The professional competence scale consists of (56) items distributed over four areas of the indicative creativity scale, and the researcher adopted the Likert method by developing (5) alternatives to answer the indicative creativity scale, and the honesty and stability of the paragraphs of the scale were calculated, and the researcher used the statistical means that were calculated by the computer program (SPSS) are: test (Ka2) chi-square, T-test for one sample, T-test For two independent samples, Pearson's correlation coefficient, Cronbach's alpha-Cronbach equation for internal consistency, simple regression analysis, and the most prominent results were as follows: Educational counselors have a high level of counseling creativity, there are differences Statistically significant between the gender variable in the level of indicative creativity and in favor of males, there are no significant differences Statistics between years of service in the guidance creativity.</p> هبة عبد اللطيف ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 22 May 2024 08:33:18 +0000 Educational institutions and their role in confronting school violence <p>The phenomenon of school violence is one of the dangerous phenomena that causes a major imbalance in the educational process of any country in the world. It is not a phenomenon that arises from the moment or is restricted to a specific country. Rather, most countries in the world suffer from this phenomenon and it has historical roots, as schools are rarely devoid of some forms of violence. Which happens almost daily among students.</p> <p>This study aimed to shed light on the role of educational institutions in confronting school violence in Iraq, to monitor the most prominent manifestations of school violence among secondary school students, to reveal the factors that lead to school violence, to identify the most important effects of its occurrence, and to identify the most important effective strategies in combating school violence. Confronting it in foreign countries in general and Iraq in particular.</p> <p>As for the type of study, it is a descriptive study that adopted the social survey approach with a sample and collected data through a questionnaire for (220) people in (10) schools for boys and girls, five each in the city of Diwaniyah.</p> <p>This study reached a set of conclusions, including: that school violence is widespread in the school community, and it is possible for this behavior to spread outside the school walls, and that social problems such as family disintegration contribute to the emergence of school violence, and among the conclusions is that school violence increases when... Those who fail academically, and that the educational counselor has a major role in confronting school violence. The study concluded that school violence requires the combined efforts of all educational institutions, and that the media has a major</p> <p>&nbsp;role in confronting school violence behavior. The study confirmed that educational institutions can develop serious strategies in confronting school violence. .</p> <p>The researcher proposed conducting a comparative study between students in schools located in urban areas and those in rural areas, to find out which areas are more violent than others. He also obliged the Ministry of Education to create a job degree entitled (Social Researcher) that works in secondary schools.</p> م.م أمير عاجل, أ.د علي اللومي ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 22 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Evaluationof toxic minerals in the water and sediments of Al-Shafi irrigation channel and their environmental effects <p>The changes that occurred in the hydrological system of the Shatt al-Arab stream led to significant changes in the sources of pollution and their levels. Therefore, the concentration of four toxic metals was measured in four stations in the water and sediments along the longitudinal section of the Shafi Canal (nickel, chromium, arsenic, and cadmium) for the wet and dry seasons of 2024. And sent to the laboratories of the South Oil Company for analysis, and it became clear through laboratory analyzes that the concentrations of toxic metals dissolved in the studied water witnessed local and seasonal variations, as their percentage increased during the wet season compared to the dry season due to rain, which plays a major role in delivering large quantities of toxic metals to The aquatic environment through its role in the deposition of airborne pollutants that increase the pollutants in the water from or from the emission of gases resulting from the atmosphere or through electric generators or through what the Shatt al-Arab drains. The main source of toxic metals. It was found that the studied levels of toxic metals in the benthic sediments are much higher than those found in the water of the four measuring stations. These high levels of toxic metals at the bottom of the channel may indicate a state of excessive accumulation of toxic metals in the benthic sediments due to fine sediments that increase the absorption process, which It led to accumulation and high concentrations in the sediments compared to water in general. It was found that the concentration of the studied minerals increased in levels towards the fourth station due to the calmness of the current and the speed of sedimentation. The studied minerals also had environmental effects and were within the permissible limits for irrigation, agriculture and fish living only, and it is not suitable for drinking</p> أ.م.د سرور عبد الأمير ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 22 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The critical term according to critic Saleh Huwaidi <p>The research deals with the critical term of the Iraqi critic Saleh Huwaidi in some of his critical writings, which I touched on in the introduction, it is not the name of this critic of the names that the researcher can pass them easily and does not stop there, but the researcher stood in contemplation to clarify some of the terminological concepts of this critic, the critic was able to invent some terms with new names equivalent to the names of the continent terminology and this is calculated for the critic, Although he himself is reluctant to use this term, so I highlighted these critical products that reflect a cognitive awareness that has a genius of his ability to explore the depths of terms, and his attempt to invent new concepts, the critic's corner to monitor the relationship of the terminological concept and its relationship to the texts that it expresses to monitor the problem between the terms, and his attempt to launch the phrase , word or reformer with the significance expressed, He had tools and procedural means in criticism, launched without reservation or reverence indicates his full awareness of the perception of the connotations of the term, through which he tried to reveal these critical visions he has. So the research came under this name ((critical term when the critic Saleh Howeidi)) The research was based on the introduction and preamble and two sections and concluded with a conclusion clarifying the findings of the research and the most prominent results and proved by sources and references.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> م.د. ساجد كامل ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 22 May 2024 08:51:16 +0000 Fatima Al-Zahra's (peace be upon her) sermon Stylistic study <p><strong>The sermon of Al-Zahra (peace be upon her) is a literary text that carries important religious and moral patterns, which gave it great importance in various human studies. This study belongs to modern critical studies, and tries to highlight the beauty and creativity in the language of the text as its distinctive features.</strong></p> <p><strong>The research came out with a number of important results, which were distributed over three sections:</strong></p> <p><strong>In the first section, the research found the predominance of religious intertextuality Quranic on other techniques in the text, and because of the predominance of the mental side on the descriptive creative side The second section has found the supremacy of the interrogative style on other synthetic methods in the text. In the third section, the research proved the predominance of the cumulative level of vocal in the singular voice, which is a very important feature</strong><strong>.</strong></p> م.د خلود عباس ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 22 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Modern Spanish Literature as World Literature with a Special Focus on Lorca's Romencero Gitano <p>The world at the turn of the twenty-first century has become a shrinking sphere. Innovative modes of transmission make communication from one continent to another almost instantaneous, encouraging the development of an increasingly global society, heightening the urgency of the need for mutual understanding. It is believed that people's literature are keys to their perspectives, their emotions, their heritage, and the formative events that have brought them to the present condition. World Literature regards both fiction and nonfiction as rich mediums for understanding the traditions of all countries all over the glob. In its view, full understanding of a literary work demands a careful attention to events and attitudes of the period in which any masterpiece has been written and which circumstances, whether social, political, or economic, that helped to crystalize this piece of art. In Spain and by the 20<sup>th</sup> century, Lorca's (1898-1936) <em>Romencero Gitano </em>(1928) (<em>Gypsy Ballads</em>) is considered one of the masterpieces of World Literature due to the effect it has implanted inside its readers. Thus, this study attempts to shed light on this piece of art as part of human literary heritage in general and Spanish folklore in particular during the governing&nbsp; of Facist regime at that time.</p> أم.د هند الكروي ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 22 May 2024 08:53:24 +0000 What is Wrong with Manfred? The Byronic Hero under the Lyotardian Lens <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; In Lord Byron's <em>Manfred</em>, the titular character represents a complex character who displays a range of conflicting emotions throughout the entire play. He is portrayed as a proud, arrogant individual who refuses the seeking of any form of help from others, even in his greatest moment of distress. Manfred's obsession with death and the supernatural of higher powers further complicates his personality, making it difficult for the reader to sympathize and empathize with him. The purpose of this paper is to analyze this enigmatic central character, through examining his behavior, personality traits, and psychological tendencies, which can help to identify what is wrong with him and explore the underlying causes that led to his eternal downfall. To aid the aims of the paper, the character of Manfred was best to be inspected through the Lyotardian Lens, where the decline of grand narratives is best explained through the works of the French philosopher, Jean-François Lyotard. Thus, the paper has revealed that there are multiple factors contributing to what is wrong with Manfred, including his pride, guilt, grief, and romantic ideals that set him to reject the constraints of greater narratives of society and religion, which have all played a role in shaping his troubled personality. By understanding these influences, it is possible to gain a deeper appreciation for Lord Byron's portrayal of this complex character.</p> Dr. Hiba Meteab, Assist. Lect. Sara Faisal ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 22 May 2024 08:56:37 +0000 Strategic management of groundwater according to the water quality assessment in terms of the standard score in Al-Qadisiyah Governorate <p>This descriptive study tackles illocutionary speech acts in two short Surahs of the holy Quran, specifically,&nbsp; Surah Al-Tariq and Surah Al-Ma'un. The aims of this study are to find out the types of the illocutionary speech acts and the pragmatic functions in addition to whether they were&nbsp; implicitly or explicitly performed in the said Surahs. The significance of this study&nbsp; is to reveal the classes&nbsp; of the illocutionary speech acts and the pragmatic functions employed in these Surahs and to highlight the high eloquence of the selected Surahs in conveying&nbsp; messages to the recipients. Only sixteen samples have been analyzed,&nbsp; and the approach followed to analyze the data is qualitative. Furthermore, some books of exegesis have been consulted and depended on to analyze the data. The results of the present study are that the illocutionary speech acts of representatives, directives and commissives were used in the two Surahs mentioned above. Different pragmatic functions like describing, ordering, threatening, asserting, warning and promising were employed in these Surahs. Moreover, explicit speech acts were used with a high frequency of occurrence whereas implicit speech acts were used with a low frequency of occurrence. In addition, some verses perform more than one speech act at the same time to convey more than one message, and they have been analyzed under more than one type of speech acts. This indicates the high eloquence of the selected Surahs in conveying the messages to people.</p> prof. Dr. Hussein Ali ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 22 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A Pragmatic Analysis of Speech Acts in Surah Al-Tariq and Surah Al-Ma'un <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; This descriptive study tackles illocutionary speech acts in two short Surahs of the holy Quran, specifically,&nbsp; Surah Al-Tariq and Surah Al-Ma'un. The aims of this study are to find out the types of the illocutionary speech acts and the pragmatic functions in addition to whether they were&nbsp; implicitly or explicitly performed in the said Surahs. The significance of this study&nbsp; is to reveal the classes&nbsp; of the illocutionary speech acts and the pragmatic functions employed in these Surahs and to highlight the high eloquence of the selected Surahs in conveying&nbsp; messages to the recipients. Only sixteen samples have been analyzed,&nbsp; and the approach followed to analyze the data is qualitative. Furthermore, some books of exegesis have been consulted and depended on to analyze the data. The results of the present study are that the illocutionary speech acts of representatives, directives and commissives were used in the two Surahs mentioned above. Different pragmatic functions like describing, ordering, threatening, asserting, warning and promising were employed in these Surahs. Moreover, explicit speech acts were used with a high frequency of occurrence whereas implicit speech acts were used with a low frequency of occurrence. In addition, some verses perform more than one speech act at the same time to convey more than one message, and they have been analyzed under more than one type of speech acts. This indicates the high eloquence of the selected Surahs in conveying the messages to people.</p> Assist. Prof. Huda هادي ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 22 May 2024 09:04:50 +0000 A Thought Without Body in Jordan Harrison’s Marjorie Prime <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Artificial intelligence is one of the today’s most influential. It can intervene in man y sections of the human life. This study explores the possibility of using artificial intelligence in the construction of human memory and identity in Jordan Harrison’s play <em>Marjorie Prime</em>. Following Jean-François Lyotard’s critique of the postmodern era and the relationship between knowledge and the human thought and body, the study examines how artificial intelligence, represented by the Primes in the play, can serve as a significant source of learning, yet it cannot be a completely reliable one as it is subject of manipulation. The study argues that the emergence of AI prompts a reevaluation of human agency and the preservation of knowledge in an increasingly digitalized world.</p> Rusul Sami ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 22 May 2024 09:06:31 +0000 Jean-François Lyotard's Différand: Ethics in Political Disputes <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The concept of the differend signals the <em>problématique</em> of ethics in the linguistically ill-represented legal and political disputes where the victims lack the means of self-expression that guarantee repairing the wrong they suffered beforehand, or their phrase is not accompanied by a clear referent that convinces the tribunal to judge for their sake. Auschwitz, for Lyotard, is an example of the differend exercise in Nazi Europe which, he thought, could only be rectified in the declaration of what is called 'the State of Israel.' He neglects the fact that the Auschwitz descendants, who arise as a result of postmodern discourses on the failure of grand narratives to achieve justice, betrayed these discursive tools in their production of a 'Jewish State' that repeats the <em>Holocaust</em> trauma in Gaza Strip and Palestine in general. The focus of this paper is to examine the post-7 October Gaza as a Lyotardian <em>reading dossier</em>, or a reading case of differend whose main thesis is that, due to its insistence on silencing the brutal extermination of the Arabs in Gaza, Zionism continues to be a moral challenge to the 'civilized world,' a test to its hypothetical debt to the Other. Hence, critical theory should draw the readers' attention to the danger of naturalizing crimes of genocide or reducing personal responsibility to them. It has to represent Gaza in litigious terms rather than taking it as a differend.</p> Prof. Dr. Areej Al-Khafaji ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 22 May 2024 09:07:04 +0000 The Act of Aggression in Charles Bukowski’s The Bluebird <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The present study aims at shedding the light on Charles Bukowski's poem "Bluebird" through which Bukowski (1920-1994) manifests his aggression and disappointment of the modern age. The study examines the way Bukowski turns the sweet tender image of the bird into a lifeless voice penetrating under the tremendous impact of modern age changes and the absence social justice.</p> Asst. Lect. Huda hadi ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 22 May 2024 09:07:55 +0000